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    Researchers from Oxford University, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control conducted two large, nationally representative studies, fifteen years apart. They calculate the annual number of tobacco deaths ha...

  • 中国考生雅思成绩被取消

    More than a thousand Chinese who took the International English Language Testing System test in July and August have been told their results would be delayed or permanently withheld. The cancellation affects examinees mainly based in Changsha, Hunan...

  • 德国数千人抗议美欧贸易协议

    BERLIN, Oct. 10 (Xinhua) -- Thousands of people protested in Berlin on Saturday against a free trade deal under negotiations between the United States and the European Union (EU). Protesters including civil rights groups, environmentalists, labor uni...

  • 中国将致力于解决心理健康问题

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  • 谷歌发布由华为代工的新款Nexus手机

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  • 大众就排放造假事件在美道歉

    WASHINGTON, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Volkswagen's top U.S. executive offered apology for emission cheating scandal in front of U.S. lawmakers on Thursday but no remedy schedule was announced. On behalf of our company, and my colleagues in Germany, I would...

  • 青岛天价虾黄金周宰游客

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  • NASA科学家 火星表面有液态水

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  • 国产动画影片《小门神》定档元旦上映

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  • 希拉里反对TPP贸易协定

    WASHINGTON, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Wednesday said she does not support the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal, reached on Monday after marathon talks between the United States and 11 Pa...

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  • 非洲官员盛赞中国诺贝尔奖得主屠呦呦

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    Peru is home to the Quelccaya ice cap, the largest tropical glacier on Earth that is located at approximately 5100m above sea level. But it is shrinking. The Andean nation has 71 percent of the world's tropical glaciers, but the Peruvian glaciers hav...
