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    China may submit Wolf Totem, a co-production between China and France, as its 2016 Academy Awards best foreign language film entry after it was announced that another contender lost the bid late Tuesday. 中法合力之作《狼图腾》将代表中国...

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  • 错过就要等18年!超级月亮与月全食将在中秋同时出现!

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  • 你对美国大学生了解有多少?

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  • 亚锦赛:中国男篮大胜新加坡

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  • 中国将在伦敦发行短期债券

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  • 苹果中国供应商受益于创新

    BEIJING, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- An innovative stage in the production of the latest iPhone models might help all its suppliers, especially those in China, to cut carbon emissions and improve efficiency, according to an Apple executive on Monday. The bi...

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  • 汽车厂商将成苹果谷歌的代工厂

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  • 社交媒体吐槽:中国校服太丑啦!

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  • 泛欧交易所将与上交所合作

    PARIS, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- Euronext announced Monday a partnership with the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) to enhance the promotion and marketing of its cash, derivatives, commodities and index data in China. According to Euronext, the partnership wi...
