It also turns out that thinking about mental illness in other animals isn't actually that much of a stretch. 同时更没有费心思索过其他动物的精神疾病。。
Most mental disorders1 in the United States are fear and anxiety disorders,and when you think about it, fear and anxiety are actually really extremely helpful animal emotions. 大多数美国人的精神障碍是恐惧和焦躁性障碍,但仔细想一想这两者实际上是极其有益的动物情绪。
Usually we feel fear and anxiety in situations that are dangerous,and once we feel them,we then are motivated to move away from whatever is dangerous. 通常在危险的情况下 我们才会感到恐惧和焦躁,一旦感受到它们,我们就会受到刺激而远离危险。
The problem is when we begin to feel fear and anxiety in situations that don't call for it. 问题是,我们在不必要的时候 也会感受到恐惧和焦虑。
Mood disorders, too, may actually just be the unfortunate downside of being a feeling animal,and obsessive2 compulsive disorders also are often manifestations3 of a really healthy animal thing which is keeping yourself clean and groomed4. 情绪障碍实际上仅仅是作为有感知动物的一种消极面。强制性障碍也是一种健康动物行为的表现。它让你保持干净整洁。
This tips into the territory of mental illness when you do things like compulsively over-wash your hands or paws, 这就进入了精神疾病领域当动物强迫地过度洗手或洗爪子,
or you develop a ritual that's so extreme that you can't sit down to a bowl of food unless you engage in that ritual. 或发展出极端的仪式行为以至于心满意足之前都不能坐下好好吃饭。
So for humans, we have the Diagnostic and Statistical5 Manual, which is basically an atlas6 of the currently agreed-upon mental disorders. 所以 对于人类我们有一本 《诊断与统计手册》。这本册子主要收录了目前认可的精神障碍。
In other animals, we have YouTube. 而其它动物,我们有Youtube。
This is just one search I did for OCD dog but I encourage all of you to look at OCD cat. 这只是搜索强迫症狗的结果。但我鼓励你们所有人去搜一搜强迫症猫。
You will be shocked by what you see. 你会被结果惊到的。
I'm going to show you just a couple examples. 在这我就分享一些例子。
This is an example of shadow-chasing. 这是一直追影子的狗。
I know, and it's funny and in some ways it's cute. 我知道,这很好笑 在某个程度上还很可爱。
The issue, though, is that dogs can develop compulsions like this that they then engage in all day. 问题是,狗狗有了这种强迫行为就会一整天地重复下去。
So they won't go for a walk,they won't hang out with their friends,they won't eat. 它们不去散步,不跟朋友玩,也不吃饭。
They'll develop fixations like chasing their tails compulsively. 然后产生心理固着,比如强迫地追自己尾巴。
Here's an example of a cat named Gizmo. 这里有只猫叫 吉斯莫。
He looks like he's on a stakeout but he does this for many, many, many hours a day. 他看起来正在监视什么,但这一举动每天会持续若干小时。
He just sits there and he will paw and paw and paw at the screen. 他就坐在那,用前爪一直,一直,一直摆弄百叶窗。
This is another example of what's considered a stereotypic7 behavior. 这是另外一个重复行为。
This is a sun bear at the Oakland Zoo named Ting Ting. 这是一只在奥克兰动物园的马来熊名为听听,
And if you just sort of happened upon this scene, you might think that Ting Ting is just playing with a stick. 然而如果你刚好看到这个画面,你可能会觉得听听。只是在玩树枝。
But Ting Ting does this all day. 但听听一整天就这样。
and if you pay close attention and if I showed you guys the full half-hour of this clip,you'd see that he does the exact same thing in the exact same order, and he spins the stick in the exact same way every time. 如果你们仔细看。再等这半个小时的视频放完,会注意到它每次都做着同一动作,以同一顺序和同一方式转那个树枝。
Other super common behaviors that you may see,particularly in captive animals,are pacing stereotypies or swaying stereotypies, and actually, humans do this too. 其他非常常见的行为,尤其是笼子里的动物有固定的踱步行为或摇摆行为。事实上我们人类也一样。
and in us, we'll sway, we'll move from side to side. 我们会摆动,从这边挪到那边。
Many of us do this, and sometimes it's an effort to soothe8 ourselves,and I think in other animals that is often the case too. 我们很多人这么做其实是一种放松方式而且我相信其他动物也是如此。
But it's not just stereotypic behaviors that other animals engage in. 但他们不止重复行为。

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n.混乱( disorder的名词复数 );凌乱;骚乱;(身心、机能)失调 | |
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adj. 着迷的, 强迫性的, 分神的 | |
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n.表示,显示(manifestation的复数形式) | |
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v.照料或梳洗(马等)( groom的过去式和过去分词 );使做好准备;训练;(给动物)擦洗 | |
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adj.统计的,统计学的 | |
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n.地图册,图表集 | |
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v.安慰;使平静;使减轻;缓和;奉承 | |
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n.大猩猩,暴徒,打手 | |
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