She actually has a Harvard psychiatrist,and she's been treated for a mood disorder1 among other things. 她有一个来自哈弗的精神医师帮她治疗她的情绪病和其他问题。
Many animals develop mood disorders2. Lots of creatures a this horse is just one example a develop self-destructive behaviors. 很多动物都会有情绪障碍,很多动物,比如这只马有自残行为。
They'll gnaw3 on things or do other things that may also soothe4 them,even if they're self-destructive,which could be considered similar to the ways that some humans cut themselves. 他们会乱咬东西。虽然是在放松心情,但本质上在自我伤害就像有些人割伤自己。
Plucking. 还有拔毛!
Turns out, if you have fur or feathers or skin,you can pluck yourself compulsively,and some parrots actually have been studied to better understand trichotillomania, or compulsive plucking in humans,something that affects 20 million Americans right now. 原来,只要你有皮毛,羽毛,或皮肤你就可能强迫性地拔毛,。人们通过研究鹦鹉。试图找出人类拔毛癖 或强迫性拔毛的原因。一个正在困扰两千万美国人的问题。
Lab rats pluck themselves too. 实验室的老鼠也拔自己的毛。
In them, it's called barbering. 这在它们看来是理发。
Canine5 veterans of conflicts of Iraq and Afghanistan are coming back with what's considered canine PTSD,and they're having a hard time reentering civilian6 life when they come back from deployments. 从伊拉克和阿富汗冲突退役的犬类回来后被发现 患有犬类创伤后症候群,。当它们被调回来后它们很难回到正常的生活。
I want to be careful and be clear, though. 在这里我想谨慎地澄清,
I do not think that canine PTSD is the same as human PTSD. 我不认为犬类的创伤后症候群跟人类的是一回事。
But I also do not think that my PTSD is like your PTSD,or that my anxiety or that my sadness is like yours. 但我同样不认为。我的创伤症候群和你的一样,或我的焦虑和悲伤跟你的一样。
We are all different. 我们都是不同的。
We also all have very different susceptibilities. 会有非常不同的承易受性。
So two dogs, raised in the same household,exposed to the very same things,one may develop, say, a debilitating8 fear of motorcycles,or a phobia of the beep of the microwave,and another one is going to be just fine. 比如两只狗在一个家庭里长大,接触相同的环境,一只可能对摩托车产生强烈畏惧,或对微波炉的叮声感到恐惧,而另一只可能就很正常。
So one thing that people ask me pretty frequently: 有件事很多人经常问我:
Is this just an instance of humans driving other animals crazy? 会不会是因为人类把动物逼疯了?
Or, is animal mental illness just a result of mistreatment or abuse? 或者,动物的精神问题 是被虐待的结果?
And it turns out we're actually so much more complicated than that. 而事实其实比这更复杂。
So one great thing that has happened to me is recently I published a book on this,and every day now that I open my email or when I go to a reading or even when I go to a cocktail9 party, 最近我遇到的一件好事。自从出版了这方面的书之后我每天打开电子邮箱或者去一些读书会又只是或者去一些酒会,
people tell me their stories of the animals that they have met. 人们都爱告诉我他们见过的动物的故事。
And recently, I did a reading in California,and a woman raised her hand after the talk and she said,Dr. Braitman, I think my cat has PTSD. 最近,我在加州去了一个读书会,然后在结束时 一个女人举起手 告诉我布莱曼博士,我觉得我的猫患有创伤后症候群。
And I said, Well, why? Tell me a little bit about it. 然后我就说:嗯,怎么说?多告诉我一点。
So, Ping is her cat. She was a rescue,and she used to live with an elderly man,and one day the man was vacuuming and he suffered a heart attack, and he died. 她的猫叫萍。她是被救出来的,她之前跟一位老人家住在一起,而一天那个人就在吸尘然后他突然心脏病发,过世了。
A week later, Ping was discovered in the apartment alongside the body of her owner, and the vacuum had been running the entire time. 一个星期后,人们在公寓里被发现萍在她主人的尸体旁,而吸尘器就这么一直开着。
For many months, up to I think two years after that incident, she was so scared she couldn't be in the house when anyone was cleaning. 很多个月之后,直到事发后整整两年每次家里有人在做卫生她都非常惊恐,不能呆在家。
She would hide in the closet. 她会躲在衣橱里。
She was un-self-confident and shaky, but with the loving support of her family, a lot of a time, and their patience. 她不自信,全身发抖,但那家人付出了爱,时间和耐心。
now, three years later, she's actually a happy, confident cat. 现在,三年后它变成一只自信又幸福的猫。

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n.紊乱,混乱;骚动,骚乱;疾病,失调 | |
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n.混乱( disorder的名词复数 );凌乱;骚乱;(身心、机能)失调 | |
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v.不断地啃、咬;使苦恼,折磨 | |
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v.安慰;使平静;使减轻;缓和;奉承 | |
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adj.犬的,犬科的 | |
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adj.平民的,民用的,民众的 | |
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n.单脚跳,跳跃;vi.单脚跳,跳跃;着手做某事;vt.跳跃,跃过 | |
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a.使衰弱的 | |
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n.鸡尾酒;餐前开胃小吃;混合物 | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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