Yes, I have an idea, but first,I'm so sorry that you were beaten by the chimps1. 是的 我有个主意 但首先对于你们被黑猩猩打败 我表示很抱歉。
Fortunately, I will be able to comfort you by showing why it was not your fault, actually. 幸运的是 我有办法安慰你们,因为其实这不是你们的错。
Then, I will equip you with some tricks for beating the chimps in the future. 然后 我会给你们提供一些窍门以便你们以后能够打败黑猩猩。
That's basically what I will do. 我接下去会做的基本就是这些。
But first, let's look at why are we so ignorant,and it all starts in this place. 首先 来看看为什么我们会如此的无知一切都始于这个地方。
It's Hudiksvall. It's a city in northern Sweden. 这是胡迪克斯瓦尔 瑞典北部的一座城市。
It's a neighborhood where I grew up,and it's a neighborhood with a large problem. 我在这个地方长大,这个地方有着一个很大的问题。
Actually, it has exactly the same problem which existed in all the neighborhoods where you grew up as well. 实际上 这个地方跟你们从小所居住的那些地方存在着一模一样的问题。
It was not representative. Okay? 那就是不具备典型性。
So this is the first piece of the ignorance puzzle. 所以这是无知拼图的第一块。
We have all different experiences from communities and people we meet,and on top of this, we start school,and we add the next problem. 我们在各自的社区 和我们所遇见的人身上所获得经验都是不同的。在此之上 我们还会上学这就带来了下一个问题。
Well, I like schools, but teachers tend to teach outdated4 worldviews,because they learned something when they went to school. 当然 我喜欢学校。但老师们倾向于教授过时的世界观因为这些东西是他们上学的时候学到的。
and now they describe this world to the students without any bad intentions,and those books, of course, that are printed are outdated in a world that changes. 现在尽管不带有任何的恶意。他们又将这些知识教给了学生。还有书,在这个瞬息万变的世界里那些印刷出来的书当然也是过时的。
And there is really no practice to keep the teaching material up to date. 并且没有一个有效的措施能使教材与时俱进。
So that's what we are focusing on. 所以这就是我们的关注点。
So we have these outdated facts added on top of our personal bias. 我们知道的是过时的情况加上我们的个人偏见。
What happens next is news, okay? 接下去就是新闻了对吧?
An excellent journalist knows how to pick the story that will make headlines,and people will read it because it's sensational5. 一个杰出的记者很清楚要如何选题才能上头条人们之所以会看是因为它耸人听闻。
Unusual events are more interesting, no? 不寻常的事件才更有意思 不是吗?
And they are exaggerated,and especially things we're afraid of. 然后他们会夸大其词,尤其是那些令我们害怕的事情。
A shark attack on a Swedish person will get headlines for weeks in Sweden. 一名瑞典人遭到鲨鱼的攻击这类新闻会在瑞典媒体上保持头条几星期。
So these three skewed sources of information were really hard to get away from. 我们很难摆脱这三类歪曲的消息来源。
They kind of bombard us and equip our mind with a lot of strange ideas,and on top of it we put the very thing that makes us humans, our human intuition. 它们对我们狂轰滥炸并且用许多奇怪的观点武装来我们的思维。在此基础上 再加上一项人类独特的功能,我们的直觉。
It was good in evolution. 直觉对进化是有利的。
It helped us generalize and jump to conclusions very, very fast. 它帮助我们很快的进行归纳和总结。
It helped us exaggerate what we were afraid of,and we seek causality where there is none, and we then get an illusion of confidence. 帮助我们夸大我们所惧之事。当所惧之事没有发生时 我们就会寻找其中的因果关系然后我们会获得莫名的自信。
Where we believe that we are the best car drivers,above the average. 比如我们都自信自己是最好的司机高于平均水平。
Everybody answered that question,Yeah, I drive cars better. 每个人都会回答:没错,我的车开的更好。

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(非洲)黑猩猩( chimp的名词复数 ) | |
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n.偏见,偏心,偏袒;vt.使有偏见 | |
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a.有偏见的 | |
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adj.旧式的,落伍的,过时的;v.使过时 | |
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adj.使人感动的,非常好的,轰动的,耸人听闻的 | |
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