Okay, this was good evolutionarily,but now when it comes to the worldview,it is the exact reason why it's upside down. 好吧 这对进化来说是件好事,但是当涉及到世界观时这恰恰是导致结论颠倒的原因。
The trends that are increasing are instead falling,and the other way around,and in this case, the chimps1 use our intuition against us,and it becomes our weakness instead of our strength. 有些趋势在上升而不是下降有些则相反。在这个例子中黑猩猩利用我们的直觉打败了我们并且这逐渐成为了我们的弱点而不是优势。
It was supposed to be our strength, wasn't it? 这应该是我们的优势所在的 不是吗?
So how do we solve such problems? 那么我们该如何解决这类问题呢?
First, we need to measure it,and then we need to cure it. 首先 我们要进行衡量然后我们再来纠正。
So by measuring it we can understand what is the pattern of ignorance. 这里指的衡量是我们能够明白造成无知的规律是什么。
We started the pilot last year,and now we're pretty sure that we will encounter 试运行是去年启动的现在我们很肯定的是在全球范围内。
A lot of ignorance across the whole world, and the idea is really to scale it up to all domains2 or dimensions of global development. 我们对许多东西是无知的。我们的想法是将此扩展到关系到全球发展的所有领域或者维度。
such as climate, endangered species, human rights,gender equality, energy, finance. 比如气候 濒危物种人权。性别平等,能源,金融。
All different sectors3 have facts, and there are organizations trying to spread awareness4 about these facts. 每个行业都会有一些真相并有一些组织正在努力扩大。大众对于这些真相的认知度。
So I've started actually contacting some of them, like WWF and Amnesty International and UNICEF,and asking them, what are your favorite facts. 所以我联系了其中的一些像世界自然基金会 国际特赦组织和联合国儿童基金会。我问他们有哪些你们所熟知的事。
Which you think the public doesn't know? 你认为公众是不知道的?
Okay, I gather those facts. 好了我收集到了如下事实。
Imagine a long list with, say, 250 facts. 想像一下一张很长的清单,大概列举了250项。
And then we poll the public and see where they score worst. 然后我们对公众进行调查由此知道哪些项目得分是最低的。
So we get a shorter list with the terrible results, 然后我们获得了一个短一点的清单其结果令人震惊。
Like some few examples from Hans,and we have no problem finding these kinds of terrible results. 比如之前汉斯给出的一些例子。我们可以轻而易举的给出这类令人震惊的结果。
Okay, this little shortlist, what are we going to do with it? 好了,对于这张短一点的清单 我们可以做些什么?
Well, we turn it into a knowledge certificate, a global knowledge certificate,which you can use, if you're a large organization. 我们把它变成了一张知识证书,一张全球知识证书 可供你使用的。如果你是一个大型组织。
A school, a university, or maybe a news agency,to certify5 yourself as globally knowledgeable6. 一所学校 大学 或者新闻通讯社用来验证你自己具有全球化的知识体系。
Basically meaning, we don't hire people who score like chimpanzees. 本质上来说 我们不会聘用那些得分和黑猩猩一样高的人。
Of course you shouldn't. 当然你也不应该。
So maybe 10 years from now, if this project succeeds,you will be sitting in an interview having to fill out this crazy global knowledge. 所以也许10年之后如果这个项目获得成功。你将不得不在面试中写出这些全球知识。
So now we come to the practical tricks. 现在我们来谈谈实用的技巧。
How are you going to succeed? 要如何才能做到?
There is, of course, one way,which is to sit down late nights and learn all the facts by heart by reading all these reports. 当然 有一种方法就是你通宵达旦的阅读各种报告并把所有的知识点都记在心里。
That will never happen, actually. 实际上这是不可能发生的。
Not even Hans thinks that's going to happen. 连汉斯都不会相信这种事情会发生。
People don't have that time. 人们没那么多时间。
We need to turn our intuition into strength again. 我们要再次把我们的直觉变成一种优势。
We need to be able to generalize. 我们要有能力去概括。
So now I'm going to show you some tricks where the misconceptions are turned around into rules of thumb. 现在我会给向家展示一些技巧以此将误解转变成为指导意见。
Let's start with the first misconception. 我们从第一个误解开始。
This is very widespread. 这是一个广泛流传的误解。
Everything is getting worse. 所有的事都在朝更坏的方向发展。
You heard it. You thought it yourself. 你听说过 你自己也是这么想的。
The other way to think is, most things improve. 从另一个角度想一想 其实大多数事情都在变好。

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(非洲)黑猩猩( chimp的名词复数 ) | |
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n.范围( domain的名词复数 );领域;版图;地产 | |
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n.部门( sector的名词复数 );领域;防御地区;扇形 | |
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n.意识,觉悟,懂事,明智 | |
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vt.证明,证实;发证书(或执照)给 | |
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adj.知识渊博的;有见识的 | |
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n.捷径( shortcut的名词复数 );近路;快捷办法;被切短的东西(尤指烟草) | |
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