So why do you think the rich should pay more in taxes? 为什么你认为富人就要多交税?
Why did you buy the latest iPhone? Why did you pick your current partner? 你为什么要买最新的(苹果手机)iphone?你为什么选择了你现在的伴侣?
And why did so many people vote for Donald Trump1? What were the reasons, why did they do it? 还有为什么有那么多人投了唐纳德·特朗普的票?这背后的原因是什么,他们为什么这样做?
So we ask this kind of question all the time, and we expect to get an answer. 我们一直都问这些问题,并且也希望得到答案。
And when being asked, we expect ourselves to know the answer, to simply tell why we did as we did. 我们也会被问到这些问题,也希望自己知道答案,能够简单的回答为什么我们要这么做。
But do we really know why? 但是我们真的知道为什么吗?
So when you say that you prefer George Clooney to Tom Hanks, due to his concern for the environment, is that really true? 当你说你喜欢乔治·克鲁尼多过汤姆·克鲁斯,是因为你觉得前者更关注环境问题,那是真的吗?
So you can be perfectly2 sincere and genuinely believe that this is the reason that drives your choice, 你能够诚心诚意的相信那就是驱使你做出选择的原因,
but to me, it may still feel like something is missing. 但是对于我来说,这其中还是遗漏了一些东西。
As it stands, due to the nature of subjectivity3, 事实表明,由于主观臆断的自然属性,
it is actually very hard to ever prove that people are wrong about themselves. 很难证明人们自己会对自己有错误的认知。
So I'm an experimental psychologist, and this is the problem we've been trying to solve in our lab. 我是一个实验心理学家,这个问题是我们实验室长久以致力解决的问题。
So we wanted to create an experiment that would allow us to challenge what people say about themselves, 我们计划设计一个实验,能够使我们挑战人们对自己的认知,
regardless of how certain they may seem. 不论看起来他们多么的认同自己。
But tricking people about their own mind is hard. 但是欺骗人们的思想是困难的。
So we turned to the professionals. The magicians. 于是我们转向专业人员。魔术师。
So they're experts at creating the illusion of a free choice. 他们很善于创造一个自由选择的幻觉。
So when they say, "Pick a card, any card," the only thing you know is that your choice is no longer free. 当他们说:“选张卡片,任意一张”,你能知道就是你的选择不再随意。
So we had a few fantastic brainstorming4 sessions with a group of Swedish magicians, 因此我们和一组瑞典的魔术师,来了几轮精彩的头脑风暴,
and they helped us create a method in which we would be able to manipulate the outcome of people's choices. 他们帮我们想出了一些方法,能够让我们操控人们选择的结果。
This way we would know when people are wrong about themselves, even if they don't know this themselves. 这样一来我们就能知道人们何时对自己的认知是错误的,甚至他们自己都没意识到这一点。
So I will now show you a short movie showing this manipulation. 我现在给你播放一段短片来演示这种操控。
So it's quite simple. The participants make a choice, but I end up giving them the opposite. 这相当简单。参与者要做出选择,但我最终会给出与他们的选择相反的结果。
And then we want to see: How did they react, and what did they say? 到时我们想看的是:他们的反应如何,他们怎么说。
So it's quite simple, but see if you can spot the magic going on. 这很简单,但是要看你能不能看出到底发生了什么。
And this was shot with real participants, they don't know what's going on. 这里拍摄的都是真实的参与者,他们对幕后的一切毫不知情。

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n.王牌,法宝;v.打出王牌,吹喇叭 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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n.主观性(主观主义) | |
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献计献策,合力攻关 | |
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