Now I know there aren't a lot of men here, but bear with me. 我知道在座的男性数量很少,不过耐心点儿。
Please raise your hand if you've been told you're too aggressive at work. 如果曾经有人说你 工作太有野心请举手吧。
There's always a few, it runs about five percent. Okay, get ready, gentlemen. 还是有一些人的,大概 5% 好的,下面准备好了,先生们。
If you're a woman, please raise your hand if you've ever been told you're too aggressive at work. 如果你是个女性,曾经有人说你 工作太有野心请举起手吧。
That is what audiences have said in every country in the world,and it's deeply supported by the data. 每个国家的观众其反馈都一致,数据也很好地佐证了这个现象。
Now, do we think women are more aggressive than men? Of course not. 那么我们真的认为 女性比男性有野心?当然不是。
It's just that we judge them through a different lens,and a lot of the character traits2 that you must exhibit3 to perform at work, to get results, to lead, are ones that we think, in a man, he's a boss, and in a woman, she's bossy4. 只是我们用不同的视角去衡量他们有很多工作上需要的性格特征 比如行动力、领导力。对于男人来说,他是一个老板;对于女人来说,她就是专横的。
And the good news about this is that we can change this by acknowledging5 it. 好消息是通过承认这个现象 我们就能改变。
One of the happiest moments I had in this whole journey is,after the book came out, I stood on a stage with John Chambers6, the CEO of Cisco. 在我的整个历程中 其中一次最快乐的经历就是这本书出版后,我和思科首席执行官 约翰.钱伯斯一起站在台上。
He read the book. He stood on a stage with me, he invited me in front of his whole management team,men and women, and he said, I thought we were good at this. I thought I was good at this. 他看过那本书,和我一起站在台上 邀请我站在他的整个管理团队面前里面有男有女,然后他说:我以为 我们做得很好,我以为我做得很好。
And then I read this book, and I realized that we-my company we have called all of our senior women too aggressive,and I'm standing7 on this stage, and I'm sorry. 但是我读了这本书以后,我意识到 我们-我的公司。一直说我们的女性高管过于强势。现在我站在这个台上说:我很抱歉。
And I want you to know we're never going to do it again. 并且想你们知道, 以后我们再也不会这样做了。
Can we send that to a lot of other people that we know? 我们可以把这句话告诉 其他认识的人么?
And so John is doing that because he believes it's good for his company, and so this kind of acknowledgement of these biases8 can change it. 所以约翰做了 他认为对公司有益的事。所以说只要坦承偏见就可改正错误。
And so next time you all see someone call a little girl bossy, you walk right up to that person, big smile, and you say. 下一次,你们看见有人说 一个小姑娘专横跋扈时你要走上前去,笑着告诉那人。
That little girl's not bossy. That little girl has executive9 leadership skills. 这个女孩不是专横, 她有行政领导能力。
I know that's what you're telling your daughter.Absolutely. 我想你一直是这么告诉女儿吧。一点不错。
PM: And you did focus in the book-and the reason, as you said, in writing it, was to create a dialogue about this. 你确实在书中重点谈了— 如你所说写书的目的是为了建立一种对话机制。
I mean, let's just put it out there, face the fact that women are in a time when we have more open doors, and more opportunities are still not getting to the leadership positions. 我想说让我们把它放在那里 面对这样的现实。我们的时代有更多机会和选择。但女性仍旧无法得到领导职位。
So in the months that have come since the book, in which Lean In focused on that and said,here are some of the challenges that remain, and many of them we have to own within ourselves and look at ourselves. What has changed? 那么在这本书出版后的几个月《向前一步》集中讨论这点。现在仍然有些挑战 有很多挑战自我的机会。需要审视自我,有什么改变了?
Have you seen changes? 你看到了改变么?
Well, there's certainly more dialogue, which is great. 嗯,确实有更多对话,这很好。
But what really matters to me, and I think all of us, is action. 不过对我、对所有人来说 真正重要的是行动。
So everywhere I go, CEOs, they're mostly men, say to me, you're costing me so much money because all the women want to be paid as much as the men. 无论我去到哪里,首席执行官们 他们大部分是男性,都跟我说你让我支出大增因为所有女性都希望和男性薪酬平等。
And to them I say, I'm not sorry at all. 我就和他们说: 我一点都不感到抱歉。

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n.(生理上的)性,(名词、代词等的)性 | |
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n.人的个性,显著的特点,特征( trait的名词复数 ) | |
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vt.展览,展出,陈列;n.展览品;陈列品 | |
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adj.爱发号施令的,作威作福的 | |
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v.承认( acknowledge的现在分词 );鸣谢;对…打招呼;告知已收到 | |
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n.房间( chamber的名词复数 );(议会的)议院;卧室;会议厅 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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偏见( bias的名词复数 ); 偏爱; 特殊能力; 斜纹 | |
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adj.执行的,行政的;n.执行者,行政官,经理 | |
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