Now, this is -- This is not just songwriters, 现在...不仅仅是歌曲作家,
it's any creator of content, like art, like inventions, scientific discoveries, journalists. 任何形式的创作活动,比如美术,比如发明,科学发现,新闻记者。
There are all kinds of people who don't get fair compensation, 各行各业的没有得到公平报酬的人,
and with blockchains, they're going to be able to make it rain on the blockchain. 而有了区块链,他们将在区块链上得到滋润。
And that's a wonderful thing. 那样可真棒。
So, these are five opportunities out of a dozen to solve one problem, prosperity, 这只是十几种机遇中的5种,来解决一个问题:繁荣。
Now, technology doesn't create prosperity, of course -- people do. 当然,科技不创造繁荣,而是由人创造。
But my case to you is that, once again, the technology genie2 has escaped from the bottle, 但是我只是再次表示,科技的精灵已从瓶中逃出,
and it was summoned by an unknown person or persons at this uncertain time in human history, 在人类历史上这个不确定的阶段,受到一位或几位不知名的人士召唤,
and it's giving us another kick at the can, another opportunity to rewrite the economic power grid3 and the old order of things, 它给了我们一次尝试,另一个改写经济权利网络和旧秩序的机会
and solve some of the world's most difficult problems, if we will it. Thank you. 并且只要我们愿意,可以解决一些世界上最麻烦的问题。谢谢。

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adj.无数的,多得不计其数的 | |
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n.妖怪,神怪 | |
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n.高压输电线路网;地图坐标方格;格栅 | |
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