And that reminds me -- humor. 这不禁让我想起--幽默感。
Scrappers know that humor gets you through the tough times, and laughter helps you change your perspective. “拳击手”知道,幽默能够帮你度过最艰难的时刻,嘲笑你的人会帮助你改变对未来的看法。
And finally, there are relationships. People who overcome adversity don't do it alone. 最后,还有人际关系。那些克服困难的人并非一直单打独斗。
Somewhere along the way, they find people who bring out the best in them and who are invested in their success. 奋斗过程中的某时某刻,他们会遇到伯乐,以及在他们成功的道路上倾囊相助的人。
Having someone you can count on no matter what is essential to overcoming adversity. 不管发生什么事,总有一个人可以依靠,这是克服困境的关键。
I was lucky. In my first job after college, I didn't have a car, 我很幸运。得到大学毕业后的第一份工作时,我还没有车,
so I carpooled across two bridges with a woman who was the president's assistant. 所以我与人拼车,跨越两座桥去上班,那位女士当时还是总统助理。
She watched me work and encouraged me to focus on my future and not dwell on my past. 她看到我工作,并鼓励我放眼未来,不要老是想着过去。
Along the way I've met many people who've provided me brutally2 honest feedback, advice and mentorship. 一路走来我遇到了很多人,让我懂得了忠言逆耳,他们都是我的良师益友。
These people don't mind that I once worked as a singing waitress to help pay for college. 这些人并不在意我曾经是个为了支付上大学的开销而唱歌打工的女服务生。
I'll leave you with one final, valuable insight. 最后再分享一个有价值的见解。
Companies that are committed to diversity and inclusive practices tend to support Scrappers and outperform their peers. 那些致力于多样化和包容开放行为的公司更愿意去支持“拳击手”,让他们比同辈更出色。
According to DiversityInc, a study of their top 50 companies for diversity outperformed the S&P 500 by 25 percent. 《多元化企业》杂志的一项研究表明,最多元化的50家企业的运营表现超越了标准普尔500指数25%。
So back to my original question. Who are you going to bet on: Silver Spoon or Scrapper1? 那么回到我最初的问题。你会将赌注放在谁身上:“银汤匙”还是“拳击手”?
I say choose the underestimated contender, whose secret weapons are passion and purpose. Hire the Scrapper. 我会选择被低估的竞争者,他/她的秘密武器是激情和决心。请雇用“拳击手”。

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好打架的人,拳击手; 爱吵架的人 | |
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adv.残忍地,野蛮地,冷酷无情地 | |
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