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   地道美语听力播客English as a Second Language Podcast (ESLPod),是一家位于美国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英文听力会话,于2005年7月23日首播, 主播Dr. Jeff McQuillan为南加州大学的语言学博士, 现专注于外国语学生的英语学习研究。该播客在iTunes store播客的教育子分类中,与Grammar Girl Just Vocabulary常居前三甲。




  • ESL Podcast 361 – Feeling Lonely

    Moving to a new city can be a lonely experience. When I first moved to Los Angeles, I didnt know anyone and it was hard to strike up new friendships. Im a pretty sociable person, but its still hard meeting new people and even harder to make lasting f...

  • ESL Podcast 360 – A Management Dispute

    Jeannie: Have you heard about the new management dispute? Salih: No, whats happening? Jeannie: Well, the CEO is having problems with the head of one of the subsidiaries. Salih: Which one? Jeannie: Lance Publishing. Apparently, the head, Bill Riker, i...

  • ESL Podcast 359 – A Fist Fight

    Isabella: What are you doing?! Why are you trying to hit that guy? Tony: He deserves it. He insulted you. Im going to knock his block off! Isabella: Stop it! Be civilized. This isnt some free-for-all. You cant punch a guy just because he said somethi...

  • ESL Podcast 358 – Surfing the Internet

    Isaiah: Arent you supposed to be working? Nancy: I just thought I would take a break and surf the web a little. Isaiah: Youd better be careful which sites you visit. You know that Big Brother is watching. Nancy: The boss told us that, but I dont beli...

  • ESL Podcast 357 – Describing Facial Expressions

    Marjorie: I wish I could have been there when you told the managers that you were leaving the company and starting your own business! Pedro: Everyone was taken aback. Dan gave me a dirty look, of course. Hes always looked down his nose at me. As for...

  • ESL Podcast 356 – Starting a Franchise Business

    Magdalena: Thanks for meeting with me today. Ive read through the materials your company sent me, but I still have some questions about opening a franchise. Phil: Thats what Im here for. What questions can I answer for you? Magdalena: Well, Im famili...

  • ESL Podcast 355 – Finding a Bargain

    Manuel: Wow, Ive never seen so many shopping bags in my life. I can guess where youve been. Georgia: I did go overboard a bit today. I went to the outlet mall and I found some real bargains. Nearly everything was discounted. I was in shopping heaven!...

  • ESL Podcast 354 – Being Scared

    Emily: Im not going into that house. Its supposed to be haunted. Stephen: Come on. Dont be a coward. You dont believe in ghosts, do you? Emily: I dont, but Im not taking any chances. Just look at that house! Its spooky. Im getting goosebumps just loo...

  • ESL Podcast 353 – Describing the Taste of Food

    Steve, my new boyfriend, decided to cook dinner for me. I was really excited, that is, until I tried his cooking. Steve: What do you think of the soup? I thought: This is so bland, and what are these little lumpy things in the soup? Of course I didnt...

  • ESL Podcast 352 – Understanding Interest Rates

    Kerry: I need to take out a small business loan and Im trying to figure out what the interest rate would be. Do you understand this stuff? Oscar: If its the same as a mortgage loan, then I think I understand it in general terms. The interest rate wou...

  • ESL Podcast 351 – Asking for a First Date

    Natalie: Hello. Sergio: Hi, could I speak to Natalie? Natalie: This is she. Sergio: Oh hi, this is Sergio. How are you? Natalie: Good. How about you? Sergio: Im great. Uh, well, the reason Im calling is I was wondering if youd like to go out sometime...

  • ESL Podcast 350 – A Movie Review

    Sally: Did you see the new movie, The McQuillan Story? Im writing a movie review for the school paper. Marcus: I went to the premiere last week. What did you think of it? Sally: I liked it. I thought it was entertaining, although it wasnt groundbreak...

  • ESL Podcast 349 – Taking Vitamins and Supplements

    The last time I went to the doctor for a checkup, she told me that I needed to start taking some dietary supplements that had the vitamins and minerals that my body needed to stay healthy. I told her that I ate a balanced diet, but she said that many...

  • ESL Podcast 348 – Showing Disapproval and Sympathy

    Maggie: Why the long face? Joe: I just heard that I wont be rehired for next year. Maggie: Thats awful! What a rotten thing for the management to do. Joe: Ill be okay, but Monica is losing her job, too. Maggie: Oh no, not Monica, too. Im so sorry to...

  • ESL Podcast 347 – Writing a Postcard

    I was on vacation in Yosemite and I decided to send a postcard to my friend, Elaine, who was on her own vacation in Europe. ... Dear Elaine, I arrived safely two days ago and Im having the time of my life. I met some nice people here and weve been ke...
