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   地道美语听力播客English as a Second Language Podcast (ESLPod),是一家位于美国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英文听力会话,于2005年7月23日首播, 主播Dr. Jeff McQuillan为南加州大学的语言学博士, 现专注于外国语学生的英语学习研究。该播客在iTunes store播客的教育子分类中,与Grammar Girl Just Vocabulary常居前三甲。




  • ESL Podcast 406 – Participating in Internet Discussion Grou

    Dale: I didn't know you read that forum . What's your screen name ? Jessie: It's jessiegirl, but I don't post very often. I like to lurk and follow the different threads , but I prefer to keep a low profile . Dale: Really? I post all the time. I just...

  • ESL Podcast 405 - Buying Computer Accessories

    Ginger: It's really nice of you to come with me to buy my computer. This is the desktop I'm thinking about. Kevin: This is okay, but if I were you, I'd buy a laptop . It's more versatile . You can travel with it. Ginger: I'm not sure about getting a...

  • ESL Podcast 404 – Delegating Work

    Anya: I don't know how I'm going to get all of this work done before I go on vacation. Estevan: What you need to do is to delegate . Stop being a control freak and get other people to help you with your work. Anya: I've tried to delegate before, but...

  • ESL Podcast 403 – Understanding Drug Labels

    Bernie: Oh, I'm in so much pain! Where is the medication we got from the pharmacy ? Gloria: It's right here, but we need to read the label first. Okay, these are the active ingredients and they seem okay. This warning says that we need to watch out f...

  • ESL Podcast 402 – Buying Back-to-School Supplies

    Svetlana: Tomorrow is the first day of junior high . Are you ready? Quinn: Sure, it's not that big a deal. I already put some supplies in my new backpack . Svetlana: Let's see. You have some folders , a three-ring binder , and a pen . Is that all you...

  • ESL Podcast 401 – Giving Warnings and Cautions

    Brett: Hi, Mom. Come in. Welcome to my new place. My roommates arent here right now or Id introduce you. Mom: Hi, dear. This is...uh...nice. Brett: It is, isnt it? I know you were a little worried about me moving out and into a house with five roomma...

  • ESL Podcast 400 – Working in a Dead End Job

    Agency employee: Tell me why youd like to sign up with our employment agency. Kurt: Well, right now Im working in a dead end job. There are no opportunities for advancement. Im already at the top of the pay scale, so theres no chance of another pay r...

  • ESL Podcast 399 – A Bachelor Party

    My best friend, Saul, is getting married. As the best man, it was up to me to plan a bachelor party hed never forget. All of the groomsmen were chipping in, so we went all out. I invited everybody over to my apartment. Instead of going to a strip clu...

  • ESL Podcast 398 – Parts of a City

    Tanya: Weve been here for three days and Im still getting lost. Darren: Heres a map. These are the residential neighborhoods. See? This is where were staying. Tanya: I know, I know. But where were we today? The tour bus went down so many alleys that...

  • ESL Podcast 397 – Being a Divorced Parent

    Oscar: How are you adjusting to being a single parent? Penny: It hasnt been easy, but Paul and I are trying to be as civil as possible. We worked out joint custody so that Mina will get quality time with both of us. Still, its been an adjustment for...

  • ESL Podcast 396 – Dealing in the Black Market

    Jasinda: Was that your friend Mitch? Thomas: Yeah, he and I had lunch today to talk about some business opportunities. Jasinda: What line of work is he in? Thomas: Well, I guess you could say hes in the import/export business. Jasinda: HmmWhy are you...

  • ESL Podcast 395 – Watching the Olympic Games

    Mary Lou: Am I too late for the opening ceremony? Jesse: No, its just starting. The runner is just coming into Olympic Village with the torch. Mary Lou: Oh, this is so exciting! I love the summer Olympics. Track and field, gymnastics, swimming I cant...

  • ESL Podcast 394 – Describing Hatred and Anger

    Danica: Calm down! Stop throwing things! Have you gone berserk? Neil: Calm down?! Calm down?! You dont know what just happened. Danica: Ive never seen you lose your temper like this before. Take a deep breath and tell me what happened. Neil: Okay, yo...

  • ESL Podcast 393 – Trash and Recycling

    Rajid: What are you doing? Nicole: Im putting my garbage into the garbage can. Why? Rajid: Dont you recycle? Youre supposed to separate out your recyclables and put them in a separate bin. Nicole: I know, I know, but who has the time? I dont have tha...

  • ESL Podcast 392 – An Untrustworthy Co-worker

    Vicky: Did I imagine it or did you just give Gavin the cold shoulder? Gerard: You didnt imagine it. Im not too happy with him. Vicky: Why? What did he do? Gerard: Hes two-faced, thats why. Last week, he told me he was going to put in a good word for...
