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   地道美语听力播客English as a Second Language Podcast (ESLPod),是一家位于美国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英文听力会话,于2005年7月23日首播, 主播Dr. Jeff McQuillan为南加州大学的语言学博士, 现专注于外国语学生的英语学习研究。该播客在iTunes store播客的教育子分类中,与Grammar Girl Just Vocabulary常居前三甲。




  • ESL Podcast 421 – Internet Dating

    Kevin: I know a lot of people are doing it, but Im not so sure about trying an Internet dating service . Eun: What do you have to lose ? This website says that it screens all of its members. Lets look at some of the profiles . Kevin: All right. We ha...

  • ESL Podcast 420 – Workplace Safety

    Lon: Whats this? Abigail: Its a memo about a safety inspection scheduled for next week. Lon: A safety inspection? How are we ever going to pass a safety inspection? Abigail: What do you mean? This isnt an unsafe workplace. Weve had a good record. Non...

  • ESL Podcast 419 – Planting a Garden

    Joni: Smell that! Giuseppe: Smell what? Joni: Smell that fresh air . Arent you glad I got you to help me plant this garden ? Were going to have so much fun today. Giuseppe: Uh huh. Im glad to help, but I dont exactly have a green thumb . Joni: Thats...

  • ESL Podcast 418 – Getting Bad Service

    Buck: Im never going to that coffee house again! Star: Why? What happened? Buck: Its the third time in a week that Ive had lousy service. I dont expect five-star treatment , but I do expect service industry employees to be at least civil . Star: What...

  • ESL Podcast 417 – Getting Travel Documents

    Joyce: We need to apply for our passports now if we want to have them in time for our trip to McQuillanland. Steven: I have a passport. Joyce: Yes, but it expired last year. You need to renew it before you can get a visa . McQuillanland requires a vi...

  • ESL Podcast 416 – Finding a Niche in Business

    Hello, business students. Im here today at your professors request to talk to you about the importance of finding your own niche in business. Conventional wisdom says that people in business need to diversify their skill sets so that they can be the...

  • ESL Podcast 415 – Being Clean and Dirty

    Ray: My mother is coming for a visit, which means we need to do some spring cleaning this weekend. Debra: Ill get the duster , if youll get the broom . Ray: Im serious. You know how nit-picky my mother is and I want our house to be neat and tidy . De...

  • ESL Podcast 414 - Common Traffic Signs

    Ben: Why are you squinting like that? Lauren: I left my glasses at the office. Ben: You mean you can't see?! Lauren: I can see pretty well. What was that yellow sign we just passed? Ben: It said, Dead End . Stop! Turn around. Lauren: I can't. That si...

  • ESL Podcast 413 – Talking About Intelligence

    Andre: Mom, I can't believe I got stuck with Matt as my lab partner in school. Josephine: Matt? Do I know Matt? Andre: He lives down the street. He's Mr. and Mrs. Kemp's son. He's a total airhead . Josephine: Oh, I remember him. He was at your birthd...

  • ESL Podcast 412 - Corporate Spying

    Joachim: I'm really having second thoughts about hiring a firm to do corporate spying for us. I don't want to do anything that's ethically questionable . Dawn: We have no choice but to do it. All of our competitors conduct corporate espionage . Joach...

  • ESL Podcast 411 - Eating Junk Food

    Frank: Hand me that bag of potato chips . Katie: Here. You mean you're still hungry after two burgers and French fries ? Frank: Yeah, I am. I'm a growing boy. Where's the popcorn ? Katie: I can't believe we're eating all of this junk food . I'm suppo...

  • ESL Podcast 410 – Being Evasive

    Olivia: Dad, can I ask you a question? Dad: You just did. Olivia: I mean, can I ask you another question? Dad: Ask away . Olivia: Where do babies come from? Dad: What? Where did you come up with that one? Olivia: I don't know. Dad: Let me tell you ....

  • ESL Podcast 409 – Describing a Musical Performance

    Janine: Okay, we need to find one more act for this year's show. How many more people are waiting to audition ? Calvin: There are two more. Should I call in the first one? Janine: Yup. Let's get this over with . ... Calvin: What did you think of that...

  • ESL Podcast ESL Podcast 408 – Calling Someone

    Candace: Hello. Mehdi: Hello, may I speak to Candace Cho, please? Candace: Speaking . Mehdi: Oh, hello Ms. Cho. My name is Mehdi and I'm interested in applying for the job as assistant manager. Your name was listed as the contact person . Am I callin...

  • ESL Podcast 407 - Waiting for a Man or Woman to Call

    Lyla: Okay, here's a hypothetical . You ask a girl for her number , but wait two weeks to call her. What gives ? George: Well, that depends . Why? Lyla: Well, I met this guy two weeks ago at a party. We spent the entire evening talking and I thought...
