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  • 快乐秘诀-避免负能量(7)

    Ways to be happy 快乐的秘诀 Avoiding negativity 避免负能量 Avoid drama and look at things from a positiveangle. Let you thoughts be as positive as possible. Some call it constructive thinking. Concentrate on the essential things, try to cha...

  • 快乐秘诀-欣赏自己,为生活感恩(6)

    Ways to be happy 快乐的秘诀 Appreciate yourself and your life 欣赏自己,为生活感恩 Never forget that you should be grateful for the things that you have. Be thankful for whatever it is that makes you unique.That might be your sincere f...

  • 快乐秘诀-不要太看重物质(5)

    Ways to be happy 快乐的秘诀 Appreciate people surrounding you 欣赏身边的人 Without valuing relationships one cannot be trulyhappy. Think of the people surrounding you more often. There is nothing as important as relationships and contacts....

  • 快乐秘诀-学会原谅(4)

    Ways to be happy 快乐的秘诀 How to forgive. 学会原谅 Everyone has been hurt by the actions or words of another. The difference is in how we react to that hurt. Forgive, even if you can't forget and you'll be better off for it. 每个人都会被...

  • 快乐秘诀-学会分享(3)

    Ways to be happy 快乐的秘诀 How to share. 学会分享 Share. Not in a Facebook sharing way, but reallyshare. 去分享吧。不是指社交网站上的分享,是真正的分享。 How to make friends. 学会交友 Some people think it's that...

  • 快乐秘诀-知足常乐(2)

    Ways to be happy 快乐的秘诀 How to be content. 知足常乐 You have what you have and that's what you have. The acquisition of things rarely raises our happiness quotient, but the quest for them certainly lowers it. 拥抱你目前拥有的一切...

  • 快乐秘诀-对陌生人友好(1)

    Ways to be happy 快乐的秘诀 How to count to 10. 学会如何(在发飙前)数到十 Anger isn't your friend. In fact, learning to control it could add years to your life.Besides, nobody really likes that guy who screams at the waiter because...

  • 甩掉疲惫-睡眠(2)

    Get rid of tiredness 甩掉疲惫 YOUR SLEEP 睡眠 Without sufficient sleep, we're basically goingthrough the day drunk. This means tiredness, difficulty to respond quickly andsmartly to anything that comes up. 如果睡眠不足我们一天都会昏昏...

  • 甩掉疲惫-心态(1)

    Get rid of tiredness 甩掉疲惫 YOUR MINDSET 心态 Oh man, another one of these self-improvement things. I hope I can do it, but I've tried these things before, and I justnever stick with it. 噢天呐,又是一件提升自我的事,我希望自...

  • 将来会后悔的事情-缺少运动(3)

    你是否正在做将来会后悔的事情? Working on a relationship before you work on yourself 在能够独立自理前就经营一段感情 According to both everyday wisdom and reams ofresearch, love is central to happiness. But you can't real...

  • 坏习惯-疏于制定目标(11)

    Eradicating these bad habits 改掉坏习惯 Neglecting to set goals. 疏于制定目标 Having goals gives you hope and the ability to lookforward to a better future, and working towards those goals makes you feel good about yourself and your abilit...

  • 坏习惯-屈服于恐惧(10)

    Eradicating these bad habits 改掉坏习惯 Giving in to fear. 屈服于恐惧 Fear is nothing more than a lingering emotion that's fueled by your imagination.Danger is real. It's the uncomfortable rush ofadrenaline you get when you almost step in f...

  • 坏习惯-把自己的生活和别人在社交媒体上的生活比较(9)

    Eradicating these bad habits 改掉坏习惯 Comparing your own life to the lives people portray on social media. 把自己的生活和别人在社交媒体上的生活比较 The Happiness Research Institute conducted theFacebook Experiment to find o...

  • 坏习惯-和消极的人在一起无所事事(8)

    Eradicating these bad habits 改掉坏习惯 Hanging around negative people. 和消极的人在一起无所事事 Complainers and negative people are bad news becausethey wallow in their problems and fail to focus on solutions. 抱怨的人和消极的...

  • 坏习惯-给人留下好印象(7)

    Eradicating these bad habits 改掉坏习惯 Impressing. 给人留下好印象 People will like your clothes, your car, and yourfancy job, but that doesnt mean they like you. 人们会喜欢你的衣服、你的汽车、你的高档工作,但这并不...
