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  • 战胜拖延-把大任务拆分成小任务(7)

    The ways successful people defeat procrastination. 成功人士战胜拖延的方法。 They break up large tasks into smaller tasks. 他们把大任务拆分成小任务 The classic but seldom-followed productivity advice to conquering large or over...

  • 战胜拖延-承诺至少会出现(6)

    The ways successful people defeat procrastination. 成功人士战胜拖延的方法。 They commit to at least showing up. 他们承诺至少会出现 After starting a task, you'll likely stick with it a lot longer than you initially committed to. I...

  • 战胜拖延-有提前做计划(5)

    The ways successful people defeat procrastination. 成功人士战胜拖延的方法。 They plan ahead. 他们提前做计划 How often do you, at the start of your work day, sit at your desk and begin looking for things to work on, only to wind up...

  • 战胜拖延-有自我意识(4)

    The ways successful people defeat procrastination. 成功人士战胜拖延的方法。 They have self awareness. 他们有自我意识 Self-awareness is a common trait many successful people have. Having self-awareness allows you to properly underst...

  • 战胜拖延-把自己绑在桅杆上(3)

    The ways successful people defeat procrastination. 成功人士战胜拖延的方法。 They tie themselves to the mast. 他们把自己绑在桅杆上 In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus has his ship's crew tiehim to the mast so that he could hear the Sire...

  • 战胜拖延-他们对别人负责(2)

    The ways successful people defeat procrastination. 成功人士战胜拖延的方法。 They make themselves accountable to others. 他们对别人负责 If you can't stay accountable to yourself, you might have more success staying accountable to ot...

  • 战胜拖延-对自己负责(1)

    The ways successful people defeat procrastination. 成功人士战胜拖延的方法。 They keep themselves accountable. 他们对自己负责 Show yourself commitment to getting things done.Making a commitment to yourself helps keep you accountable...

  • 你够聪明吗-聪明人多才多艺(6)

    Are you clever enough? 你够聪明吗? Intelligent people seem to have a working knowledge of just about everything. Resourcefulness is also a sign of evolution. This is to understand that not knowing something does not make one stupid. Intelligen...

  • 你够聪明吗-聪明人只问对的问题(5)

    Are you clever enough? 你够聪明吗? Even the most mundane thing seems fascinating to the intelligent mind. The good news is curiosity is something that can be cultivated Intelligent people ask all the right questions. Itjust goes to show how fa...

  • 你够聪明吗-聪明人能迅速适应新环境(4)

    Are you clever enough? 你够聪明吗? As mentioned in the Encyclopedia Britannica For the most part, adaptation involves making a change in oneself in order to cope more effectively with the environment, but it can also mean changing the environm...

  • 你够聪明吗-聪明人并不总是遵循健康的习惯(3)

    Are you clever enough? 你够聪明吗? As a report suggests, There is growing evidence that musicians have structurally and functionally different brains compared with non-musicians. In particular, the areas of the brain used to process music are...

  • 你够聪明吗-夜晚型的人比较聪明(2)

    Are you clever enough? 你够聪明吗? Sleep researchers tend to divide people into two groups, based on whether they exhibit morningness oreveningness. A recent study claims that eveningness is an evolutionary advancement that marks out more inte...

  • 你够聪明吗-聪明需要高强度的维护(1)

    Are you clever enough? 你够聪明吗? Being intelligent is high maintenance. 聪明需要高强度的维护。 Among other factors it is also something that is acquired and involves hard work. An intelligent person is able to talk about just abou...

  • 清醒早晨-听音乐(7)

    ways to improve your alertness and cognitive function in the morning. 早晨提高你的警觉性及认知能力 Listen to music 听音乐 Finally, the team suggests listening to music when you first get up. Music can cause the pupils to dilate and i...

  • 清醒早晨-锻炼身体(6)

    ways to improve your alertness and cognitive function in the morning. 早晨提高你的警觉性及认知能力 Be physically active Physical activity in the morning can also help to increase your mental performance and make you more alert, as it in...
