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  • 甩掉迷茫-不要再觉得你应该无所不知

    甩掉迷茫 Stop feeling like you should have all the answers Uncertainty is the way things are, and trying to fight is like trying to fight an angry bear with a wet fish. It'll just leave you exhausted, scared and broken. So relax a little. Underst...

  • 借钱法则-不要把最后期限一拖再拖(5)

    Rules to Follow When Lending Money to Friends andFamily 借钱给家人和朋友的法则 Never Let the Due Date Slide 不要把最后期限一拖再拖 If your dinero doesn't show on time, ignoring the lateness or making excuses for not confronting...

  • 借钱法则-借款须有书面记录(4)

    Rules to Follow When Lending Money to Friends andFamily 借钱给家人和朋友的法则 Always Put the Loan in Writing 借款须有书面记录 Memories fade, priorities get shifted and clashing opinions over what you originally agreed to can cause...

  • 借钱法则-制定严格的还款时间表(3)

    Rules to Follow When Lending Money to Friends andFamily 借钱给家人和朋友的法则 Create a Firm Repayment Timeline 制定严格的还款时间表 Ten years ago Emily White, 43, lent her younger sister $20,000 to buy a house near their elderly...

  • 借钱法则-借出的数额在你能承受的范围内(2)

    Rules to Follow When Lending Money to Friends and Family 借钱给家人和朋友的法则 Lend Just What You Can Afford to Lose 借出的数额在你能承受的范围内 Your friend or family member may check all the boxesfor being trustworthy, fin...

  • 借钱法则-想借再借(1)

    Rules to Follow When Lending Money to Friends andFamily 借钱给家人和朋友的法则 Only Say Yes if You Mean It 想借再借 If you feel guilt-tripped into making the loan by the asker (I'm desperate!)or you question your own hesitation (...

  • 解救无聊晚癌-尝试下网络课程(4)

    解救无聊晚癌 Try An Online Class 尝试下网络课程 The internet is an amazing thing. There are so many classes available to take online. Why not try something different, like a foreign language class or something challenging like online eng...

  • 解救无聊晚癌-买本书(3)

    解救无聊晚癌 Buy A New Book 买本书 Whether or not we admit it, we all like to read.Whether it's online or holding a physical book, our brains yearn for the knowledge and entertainment that books hold. Why not try going to your local book sto...

  • 解救无聊晚癌-去逛逛杂货店(2)

    解救无聊晚癌 Grocery Shop 去逛逛杂货店 Grocery shopping is a great thing to do to help relieve boredom. People can never have too many ingredients to make great food for themselves or their families throughout the week. Your family and fr...

  • 解救无聊晚癌-健身(1)

    解救无聊晚癌 Exercise 健身 I know everybody hates being told to go exercise or that they need to exercise more. Maybe, if yo're a teenager or childs till living under your parent's roof, you know the feeling of Now that you've told me to do i...

  • 减压秘诀-到外面转转(4)

    ways to kill stress 减压秘诀 Watch a Funny Video Clip 看搞笑短片 Here's a simple and practical tip: Watch a funny video clip on YouTube. Research shows that seeing something amusing activatesthe part of the brain that produces calm physiolog...

  • 减压秘诀-将压力改为动力(3)

    ways to kill stress 减压秘诀 Let Stress Motivate You 将压力改为动力 Since you're never going to eliminate 100 percent of the stress in your life, one of the best things you can do is let it motivate you. This is what stress is designed to...

  • 减压秘诀-早起(2)

    ways to kill stress 减压秘诀 Wake Up Earlier 早起 It's certainly true that the more sleep you get, the less prone to stress you'll be. However, waking up 15 or 20 minutes earlier each morning may have more benefits than sleeping in. By giving y...

  • 减压秘诀-吃健康的食物(1)

    ways to kill stress 减压秘诀 Eat Healthier 吃健康的食物 Though a lot of stress is psychological, there are also plenty of physical factors that contribute to this natural human response to perceived danger. In order to mitigate stress, make...

  • 战胜拖延-会放弃(8)

    The ways successful people defeat procrastination. 成功人士战胜拖延的方法。 They give up. 他们会放弃 Just because you already poured hours into a project, doesn't mean you need to finish it. This is known as the sunk cost fallacy. Th...
