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  • 学习语言必备-快乐阅读(4)

    Learn a language-you need to know 学习语言必备 Read for pleasure 快乐阅读 For many of our panellists, reading was notonly great for making progress, but one of the most rewarding aspects of the learning experience. Alex Rawlings explains th...

  • 学习语言必备-集中精力学习那些你想要学习的东西(3)

    Learn a language-you need to know 学习语言必备 Focus on exactly what you want to learn 集中精力学习那些你想要学习的东西 Often the discussion around how to learn a language slides into a debate about so-called traditional v tech...

  • 学习语言必备-提醒自己学习的目的(2)

    Learn a language-you need to know 学习语言必备 Remind yourself why you are learning 提醒自己学习的目的 It might sound obvious, but recognising exactly why you want to learn a language is really important. Alex Rawlings, a language teac...

  • 学习语言必备-制定现实而具体的目标(1)

    Learn a language-you need to know 学习语言必备 Make realistic, specific goals 制定现实而具体的目标 You have decided to learn another language. Now what? On our recent live chat our panellists first piece of advice was to ask yourself:...

  • 人们常犯的错误-不要屈从于反对者(4)

    Common mistakes people make 人们常犯的错误 Giving in to naysayers 不要屈从于反对者 In your journey towards your dreams, there willbe people who will doubt your capacity and question your dreams. Don't give in to their negativity and do...

  • 人们常犯的错误-因为害怕失败而放弃梦想(3)

    Common mistakes people make 人们常犯的错误 Giving up dreams for fear of failure 因为害怕失败而放弃梦想 Fear is a powerful emotion. You feel it especially if you're chasing something that's bigger than yourself. But don't let it stop...

  • 人们常犯的错误-大手大脚的花钱(2)

    Common mistakes people make 人们常犯的错误 Spending money carelessly 大手大脚的花钱 Buying whatever you want and eating out almost everyday may make you feel good at the moment but it will make you poor in thelong run. Even if you have...

  • 人们常犯的错误-生活在一段不好的感情中(1)

    Common mistakes people make 人们常犯的错误 Staying in an unhealthy relationship 生活在一段不好的感情中 Your 20s will play an important role in shaping who you are. It is the stage that you get to know better what you want for yourse...

  • 改善自己-诚实正直(4)

    How to be a better one 改善自己 Employ Honesty 诚实正直 Leading an honest life will make you a better person. Practice telling the truth to others and to yourself. Living a life of deceit and dishonesty will have an adverse effect on your rel...

  • 改善自己-拓展知识(3)

    How to be a better one 改善自己 Increase Knowledge 拓展知识 Learning should continue beyond your school years and through out the rest of your life. Keep your library card active and explore new avenues of literature and non-fiction subjects....

  • 改善自己-实践善行(2)

    How to be a better one 改善自己 Practice Good Deeds 实践善行 According to Student Now, an online magazinecontaining materials regarding college life, a great part of living a rewardinglife involves practicing good deeds. Extend yourself for t...

  • 改善自己-树立信条(1)

    How to be a better one 改善自己 Develop a Creed 树立信条 Many people begin drafting a plan for their lives when they are in their final years of school. This is also an ideal time to develop a creed that will help determine the course of your...

  • 内心强大的人-认为改变是必要的(5)

    Someone who has a strong will内心强大的人 They don't believe change is impossible. 他们认为改变是必要的 A lot of people refuse to accept the idea that people can change. But mentally strong people don't believe someone can't grow to b...

  • 内心强大的人-总相信奇迹会出现(4)

    Someone who has a strong will内心强大的人 They don't believe that miracles don't exist. 他们总相信奇迹会出现 Unlike the overly negative, mentally strong people don't believe that the miraculous is impossible. That doesn't mean they be...

  • 内心强大的人-不相信生活总能尽如人意(3)

    Someone who has a strong will内心强大的人 They don't believe things will always go thevway you expect. 他们不相信生活总能尽如人意 If you're a pessimist, you should stop expecting storms. If you're an optimist, you should stop assum...
