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  • 残酷事实-万事开头难(2)

    The harsh truths that will help you grow. 帮助你成长的残酷事实。 The first step is always the hardest. 万事开头难 Let's face it: changing bad habits is tough.Research proves it. Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, The journeyof a t...

  • 残酷事实-人生是不公平的(1)

    The harsh truths that will help you grow. 帮助你成长的残酷事实。 Life isn't fair. 人生是不公平的 Life will hand you lemons, often when you least expect it. The sooner you embrace this harsh truth, the better prepared you'll be to ha...

  • 人生课程-拒绝做否定主义者(7)

    Life lesson 人生课程 Give up being a naysayer. 拒绝做否定主义者。 There are plenty of people who can tell you why something won't work, why it isn't possible and how negative to be. There are numerous newspapers and websites totell you h...

  • 人生课程-分享你的天赋(6)

    Life lesson 人生课程 Share your talents. 分享你的天赋。 Everyone has a gift to offer. It's a waste tokeep your gifts hidden from the world. Find out what you are good at, or the talentyou can share, and actively seek places to share those...

  • 人生课程-永远不要停止编织人际关系网或更新与他人的联系(5)

    Life lesson 人生课程 Never stop networking or making connections. 永远不要停止编织人际关系网或更新与他人的联系。 For many people the world is small; it's their family or the place of work they visit each day. There is a wor...

  • 人生课程-永葆好奇心(4)

    Life lesson 人生课程 Become curious 永葆好奇心 About yourself, about other people and aboutthe world around you. Don't take things at face value or believe everything you hear. Ask why? as often as athree-year-old. Be interested in what's un...

  • 人生课程-培养解决问题的能力(3)

    Life lesson 人生课程 Learn how to solve your own problems. 培养解决问题的能力。 Stuck in a rut? Many people are, at some point in their life. Not sure what to do next or how to get somewhere? It's a common occurrence. The question is wh...

  • 人生课程-交流能力不是出自天生,也不是人人可以轻松掌握的(2)

    Life lesson 人生课程 Communication isn't natural and doesn't comeeasy to most people. 交流能力既不是出自天生,也不是人人可以轻松掌握的。 Yes, we learn to talk at an early age and talking, as well as walking, is a natural...

  • 人生课程-别浪费时间(1)

    Life lesson 人生课程 It's a waste of time and energy to find the person, people or organization to blame for your troubles. 人生一旦遇到麻烦,就直接想要去寻找可以归咎的个体、他人或者组织,这完全是对时间和精力...

  • 琐碎问题-我能做什么来增添更多的欢乐、激情以及目标(5)

    Small questions 琐碎的问题 What can I do in the next two weeks to bring more joy, passion and purpose to my life? 在未来2周里,我能做些什么来给我的生活增添更多的欢乐、激情以及目标? This is the killer part right...

  • 琐碎问题-什么事情会让我快乐(4)

    Small questions 琐碎的问题 What brings me joy? 什么事情会让我快乐? Is it writing, teaching, singing, volunteering,dancing? Whatever it is, make time for it!...

  • 琐碎问题-我眼里的成功是什么(3)

    Small questions 琐碎的问题 What does success look like to me? 我眼里的成功是什么? For some people it is becoming an expert in their industry. For others it is taking one year off in every five to seven to travel. For some it is raisin...

  • 琐碎问题-我想要过什么样的生活?(2)

    Small questions 琐碎的问题 What type of life do I want to lead? 我想要过什么样的生活? Think about your life 10 years from now. Areyou satisfied with your life if it is to continue exactly as it currently is? Are you content with your...

  • 琐碎问题-我今天有多开心,10分能打几分(1)

    Small questions 琐碎的问题 Life is full of small questions: What will Iwear to my meeting? Whats for lunch? Subway or cab? How happy am I overall, today, out of 10? Take into account all areas of your life when you do this. Whatever your number...

  • 人生大道理-时间和经历会抚平一切伤痛(10)

    What do you need to know before it's too late. 应该尽早懂得的人生道理 Time and experience heals pain. 时间和经历会抚平一切伤痛 Your negative event seems much larger to youbecause it is a greater percentage of your total life ex...
