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  • 快乐秘诀-创造改变(7)

    How to be happy.快乐秘诀 Create change 创造改变 Instead of waiting for something to happen, goout and make things happen. Listen to yourself and make changes wherever you feel compelled. If you want to improve the relationship between you and...

  • 快乐秘诀-心存感恩(6)

    How to be happy.快乐秘诀 Adapt an attitude of gratitude 心存感恩 Your attitude paves the way of your path, and any sort of negativity will create an ungrateful experience. Adapting an attitude of gratitude and appreciating everything, special...

  • 快乐秘诀-负起责任(5)

    How to be happy.快乐秘诀 Take responsibility 负起责任 Taking responsibility is more challenging thanit sounds, but understanding that everything happens for a reason and that youdo have choice when something does not play out the way you thou...

  • 快乐秘诀-信赖自己(4)

    How to be happy.快乐秘诀 Trust in yourself 信赖自己 Trusting in yourself means trusting your inner truth, even when it does not match that of others, and living and speaking it. It means being confident with choices and decisions you make and...

  • 快乐秘诀-连接自己的本源(3)

    How to be happy.快乐秘诀 Connect to your source 连接自己的本源 Connecting to your source means connecting to who you are, what your beliefs are, and what spirituality means to you. It means having a clear understanding of these and matchin...

  • 快乐秘诀-接受自己和他人(2)

    How to be happy.快乐秘诀 Accept yourself and others 接受自己和他人 Comparing yourself to others will keep you in a place of not being good enough or them not being good enough; either way coming to a point of not enough. If there is a feel...

  • 快乐秘诀-放开过去(1)

    How to be happy.快乐秘诀 Let the past go 放开过去 Holding on to the past keeps you in place of unforgivingness, resentment, pain, longing, and regret as opposed to theopposite. It also keeps you stuck, which often creates an unfulfilling pres...

  • 讨人厌的微博朋友圈-铺天盖地的引用(7)

    讨人厌的微博朋友圈 铺天盖地的引用 可可电台 Quoted clichs from various thinkers: It's better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all. Unknown. Analysis: I can't think of anything amazing to say while I comfort myself...

  • 讨人厌的微博朋友圈-各种断言(6)

    讨人厌的微博朋友圈 各种断言 Persuasive proclamations of life being good:I'm loving life right now. Life is not good. Persuasive proclamations about God. I feel blessed to be alive on this glorious day, and I owe it all to God. Make God y...

  • 讨人厌的微博朋友圈-和新男/女友一起摆拍的无聊照片(5)

    讨人厌的微博朋友圈 和新男/女友一起摆拍的无聊照片 Dozens of trivial pictures of people and their new boyfriends/girlfriends smiling and posing. This is a very interesting phenomenon. Women typically begin a relationship and imme...

  • 讨人厌的微博朋友圈-无趣照片(4)

    讨人厌的微博朋友圈 无趣的照片 Pictures of feet. I have no idea why people do this. It's weird. Pictures of mundane plates of food in front of them. I'm eating. You have to see what I'm eating! Well, maybe it looked better at the restaur...

  • 讨人厌的微博朋友圈-情感责骂(3)

    讨人厌的微博朋友圈 情感责骂 Emotional rant directed at no one inparticular, but so specific that everyone knows they've been screwed over: Never trust people who tell you they will pick you up at 6 just to make you wait an hour. Some peo...

  • 讨人厌的微博朋友圈-吃喝,无趣的生活(2)

    讨人厌的微博朋友圈 吃吃喝喝,无趣的生活 Mundane details about their day appearing a smilestones: Going to dinner and a movie!!! A very boring life. Giving details about health along with emoticon to verify feelings about it: Feeling...

  • 讨人厌的微博朋友圈-炫耀无需声明的爱(1)

    讨人厌的微博朋友圈消息 Declarations of love that don't ever need to declared 炫耀无需声明的爱 Declarations of love that don't ever need to declared: I love my daughter sooo much. They feel the need to convince someone like themselv...

  • 自我修炼-有所作为,有所回报(5)

    Self-learning 自我修炼 Make a Difference- and Give Back 有所作为,有所回报 If you aren't making a positive difference inthe lives of others, then you need to reevaluate the purpose of what you are doing. The ultimate goal of business is...
