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  • 生活中想要什么-明白你需要什么(3)

    what do you want in life. 生活中想要什么 Figure out what you need 明白你需要什么 Sometimes it's hard to figure out what you need. Sit down and think about what you need the most. Isit your family? The freedom to express yourself? Love?...

  • 生活中想要什么-永不后悔(2)

    what do you want in life. 生活中想要什么 Regret nothing 永不后悔 Don't feel bad for being selfish. It's your life.It's time for you to live it exactly the way you want to. If you constantly regret things you did or didn't do in the past, t...

  • 生活中想要什么-自私一点(1)

    what do you want in life. 生活中想要什么 Be selfish 自私一点 You can't pinpoint exactly what you want in life if you're constantly sacrificing your time and dreams for other people. You have to put yourself first. Ask yourself: If you were...

  • 提高智力小细节-学习一门外语(10)

    提高智力小细节 Learn a second language 学习一门外语 Early studies in this field have preliminarily shown that bilingual kids can focus better under pressure and focus better on relevant information. Research is being done still, but many...

  • 提高智力小细节-鼓励孩子多尝试,不要只注重结果(9)

    提高智力小细节 Praise good effort, not intelligence 鼓励孩子多尝试,不要只注重结果 Your kids may be smart, but you should focus your praise on the effort they put into succeeding at tasks. Kids who are praised on intelligence of...

  • 提高智力小细节-让孩子早点睡觉(8)

    提高智力小细节 Put kids to bed early 让孩子早点睡觉 Studies from a California-based group called SRI International show that kids with regular bedtimes are better at languages,math,and reading. Preschool children should get at least ele...

  • 提高智力小细节-和孩子一起阅读(7)

    提高智力小细节 Reading with your kids 和孩子一起阅读 Readinghas long been known as away to improve children's intelligence. Kids who are read to frequently develop earlier writing and number skills as well. For parents who don't have as...

  • 提高智力小细节-20分钟的体育锻炼(6)

    提高智力小细节 20 minutes of exercise helps kids too 20分钟的体育锻炼 A Swedish study of over a million 18-year-olds showed that fitness does relate to a person's IQ. The specifics of how exercise affects brain growth and development is...

  • 提高智力小细节-必须让孩子自由玩耍(5)

    提高智力小细节 Unstructured play time should be mandatary 必须让孩子自由玩耍 Unstructured play time has always been an important part of being a kid, but it is also crucial to a child's development. Hovering and over-parenting is link...

  • 提高智力小细节-限制孩子看电视的时间(4)

    提高智力小细节 Limit television time 限制孩子看电视的时间 Of course, too much of anything can still be bad thing. Kids still need time away from the TV to develop social skills and do homework. Control TV time as uncontrolled TV can...

  • 提高智力小细节-玩游戏(3)

    提高智力小细节 Play Games 游戏也能增长智力 Studies show that video games can improve many skills.According to the UC Berkeley study, video games can improve:hand-eye coordination,problem solving ability,reasoning,pattern recognition,ac...

  • 提高智力小细节-音乐熏陶(2)

    提高智力小细节 Engage in music-making 音乐熏陶 Give your kids lessons in piano, guitar and violin;music helps your children develop higher IQs. On average, music students perform better on standardized tests and have higher over all GPAs....

  • 提高智力小细节-早餐要吃好(1)

    提高智力小细节 Eat a good breakfast 早餐要吃好 A child's brain needs a proper balance of nutrients such as glucose, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B, zinc, and folic acid. Kids who eat breakfast have better memory and longer attention spans. Wh...

  • 有效沟通法则-后续工作(9)

    How to become an effective communicator. 有效沟通法则 Follow-up 后续工作 Be clear about what actions will be taken and establish accountability. Confirm dead lines, responsibility, and expectations. If relevant, document any agreements in w...

  • 有效沟通法则-寻求反馈(8)

    How to become an effective communicator. 有效沟通法则 Request feedback 寻求反馈 Confirm that you have a mutual understanding of what's being communicated. We often think that we've reached a resolution and come to an understanding, only to...
