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  • 如何摆脱拖延症-停止东想西想,立即采取行动(1)

    How to get rid of procrastination? 如何摆脱拖延症? Stop thinking. Start doing. 停止东想西想,立即采取行动 Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.Spanish Proverb One of the most common problems is procrastination.。 Stop...

  • 如何改善人际交流能力-倾听,真正地倾听(10)

    How to Improve Your Communication Skills 如何改善人际交流能力 Listen, Really Listen 倾听,真正地倾听 Finally, going hand-in-hand with most of the points above, the best thing you can do to improve your communication skills is to lea...

  • 如何改善人际交流能力-培养共鸣(9)

    How to Improve Your Communication Skills 如何改善人际交流能力 Up Your Empathy 培养共鸣 Communication is a two-way street. If you practice taking the opposing viewpoint, you can reduce the difficulty and anxiety that sometimes arises whe...

  • 如何改善人际交流能力-要简明、具体(8)

    How to Improve Your Communication Skills 如何改善人际交流能力 Be Brief Yet Specific 要简明、具体 There's actually a BRIEF acronymBackground, Reason, Information, End, Follow-upto help you keep your emails short without leaving anythin...

  • 如何改善人际交流能力-为你的听众量身定做消息(7)

    How to Improve Your Communication Skills 如何改善人际交流能力 Tailor Your Message to Your Audience 为你的听众量身定做消息 The best communicators adjust how they talk based on whom they're speaking to; you'd probably use a differe...

  • 如何改善人际交流能力-去除干扰(6)

    How to Improve Your Communication Skills 如何改善人际交流能力 Put Away the Distractions 去除干扰 It's pretty rude to use your phone while someone's talking to you or you're supposed to be hanging out with them. Maybe we can't get rid of...

  • 如何改善人际交流能力-问问题并重复他人的话(5)

    How to Improve Your Communication Skills 如何改善人际交流能力 Ask Questions and Repeat the Other Person 问问题并重复他人的话 Let's face it, we've all drifted off when someone else was talking or misheard the other person. Asking q...

  • 如何改善人际交流能力-讲故事(4)

    How to Improve Your Communication Skills 如何改善人际交流能力 Tell a Story 讲故事 Stories are powerful. They activate our brains, make presentations suck less, make us more persuasive, and can even help us ace interviews. Learn the secre...

  • 如何改善人际交流能力-为闲谈和其他对话提前想好内容(3)

    How to Improve Your Communication Skills 如何改善人际交流能力 Have a Script for Small Talk and Other Occasions 为闲谈和其他对话提前想好内容 Small talk is an art that not many people have mastered. For the inevitable, awkward s...

  • 如何改善人际交流能力-去除不必要的会话用语(2)

    How to Improve Your Communication Skills 如何改善人际交流能力 Get Rid of Unnecessary Conversation Fillers 去除不必要的会话用语 Um's and ah's do little to improve your speech or everyday conversations. Cut them out to be more persu...

  • 如何改善人际交流能力-注意自己的身体语言(1)

    How to Improve Your Communication Skills 如何改善人际交流能力 Watch Your Body Language 注意自己的身体语言 You tell your partner you're open to discussion but your arms are crossed; say you're listening but haven't looked up from yo...

  • 最佳情侣搭档-Ta从来不婆婆妈妈(15)

    The best partner最佳情侣搭档 She/He never nags you. Ta从来不婆婆妈妈。 She/He is the one who can let the small things go so that you can feel perfectly at ease in her/his company. You are both relieved that there is no nit-picking or na...

  • 最佳情侣搭档-Ta知道如何给你惊喜(14)

    The best partner最佳情侣搭档 She/He knows how to surprise you. Ta知道如何给你惊喜。 She/He knows how to spring a surprise on you. That can be anything from a different outing, a sudden change of plans or anything else which breaks the...

  • 最佳情侣搭档-Ta从来不要求你帮她选衣服(13)

    The best partner 最佳情侣搭档 She/He never asks for advice about clothes. Ta从来不要求你帮她选衣服。 She/He never asks you to help her/him choose clothes and would never dream of asking you whether a certain color suits her/him. She...

  • 最佳情侣搭档-Ta喜欢与你的家人和朋友一起逛街(12)

    The best partner最佳情侣搭档 She/He loves hanging out with your friends and family. Ta喜欢与你的家人和朋友一起逛街。 You never have a problem when you want to do things with your or her/his group of friends. She/He fits in with y...
