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  • 出行礼仪禁忌-德国(9)

    Travel Etiquette出行礼仪 Germany 德国 Don't stare: You'd appear either uneducated or mentally ill. Don't be overly friendly: Germans like to gradually warm up to people and take time to really get to know them before acting like BFFs. Don't wis...

  • 出行礼仪禁忌-法国(8)

    Travel Etiquette出行礼仪 France 法国 Don't expect a huge amount of vegan options:Notify people you visit and be careful in which restaurants you go. Very few people are vegan in France compared to some other countries, and although the situatio...

  • 出行礼仪禁忌-印度(7)

    Travel Etiquette出行礼仪 India 印度 Don't kiss in public: In some jurisdictions this can get you into jail under 'public obscenity' (a lot of ourlaws are stuck in the Victorian era). Don't make physical contact with the opposite sex: Hugging an...

  • 出行礼仪禁忌-新西兰(6)

    Travel Etiquette出行礼仪 New Zealand 新西兰 Don't confuse New Zealanders with Aussies:We don't like it! Don't expect to see Kiwi birds: They arealmost extinct. Irony! Don't make fun of rugby, Lord of the Rings, orthe Queen of England: All Blac...

  • 出行礼仪禁忌-肯尼亚(5)

    Travel Etiquette出行礼仪 Kenya 肯尼亚 Don't disrespect religion: Almost everyone you meet is religious; religion here is always on fashion, so if someone asks you if you are religious, don't take offense because it is common for everyone to fo...

  • 出行礼仪禁忌-新加坡(4)

    Travel Etiquette出行礼仪 Singapore 新加坡 You can get fined for a lot of things inSingapore, including: feeding the birds, spitting, urinating in public, smokingin public, having your pet in public, eating or drinking on publictransportation,...

  • 出行礼仪禁忌-俄国(3)

    Travel Etiquette出行礼仪 Russia 俄国 Don't give an even number of flowers as a gift: That's for dead folks. Proper bouquet will have 1/3/5/7 flowers. Don't rely on a credit card: There are lots of places which only accept cash. Don't assume the...

  • 出行礼仪禁忌-日本(2)

    Travel Etiquette出行礼仪 Japan 日本 Don't tip anyone: Tipping is just not part of the culture. Don't even leave the small change. People will come running after you with it. Don't wear your shoes in someone's house: If you see other people taki...

  • 出行礼仪禁忌-挪威(1)

    Travel Etiquette出行礼仪 Norway 挪威 Don't stare at naked people: People are pretty relaxed about nudity, and both men and women will for example change on public beaches without any attempt at covering themselves up. You are however expected t...

  • 如何摆脱拖延症-坚持完成(7)

    How to get rid of procrastination? 如何摆脱拖延症? Finish it. 坚持完成。 Not taking the first step to start accomplishing something can make you feel bad. But not finishing what you have started can also leave you in a sort of negative...

  • 如何摆脱拖延症-直面内心恐惧(6)

    How to get rid of procrastination? 如何摆脱拖延症? Face your fear. 直面内心恐惧。 I think this is true. It's easier to live on that someday thought. It's harder to just take action. To risk looking like a fool. To make mistakes, stumb...

  • 如何摆脱拖延症-只需下定决心,任何决定都行(5)

    How to get rid of procrastination? 如何摆脱拖延症? Just make a decision. Any decision. 只需下定决心,任何决定都行。 We feel bad when we sit on our hands and don't take action because it's unnatural. The natural thing is to be a...

  • 如何摆脱拖延症-从最棘手的任务着(4)

    How to get rid of procrastination? 如何摆脱拖延症? Start with the hardest task of your day. 从最棘手的任务着手。 Maybe you have an important call to make that you also fear might be uncomfortable. Maybe you know you have gotten beh...

  • 如何摆脱拖延症-只需迈出第一步(3)

    How to get rid of procrastination? 如何摆脱拖延症? Just take the first step. 只需迈出第一步。 When you start to look too far into the future any task or project can seem close to impossible. And so you shut down because you become ov...

  • 如何摆脱拖延症-不要过犹不及(2)

    How to get rid of procrastination? 如何摆脱拖延症? Dont blow a task out of proportion. 不要过犹不及。 By over thinking and putting things off you are not only trying to protect yourself from pain. You also make mountains out of molehi...
