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  • 【英语趣味课堂】他喜欢看电视吗?-Does He like Watching TV?

    Mari: Hi, this is Mari. I'm here with Ron. Today, we'll talk about types of entertainment and how often we do these things. Let's first start with watching TV. Ron, how often do you watch TV? Ron: Usually I watch TV every day. I don't watch TV very l...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】她的爱好-Her Hobbies

    Ron: Hi, I'm Ron from Hawaii. I'm here with Mari from Japan. Today we will be talking about abilities. So, Mari, are you a good cook? Mari: I like to cook, more specifically, I like to cook for people. I like to have people over and eat with people....

  • 【英语趣味课堂】他的爱好-His Hobbies

    Mari: I'm Mari from Japan and I'm here with Ron from Hawaii. Today we are going to be talking about abilities so let's start with food. Can you cook? Ron: I can't cook well, but I do cook, so I think the reason why I can't cook well is because I can...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】救援工作-Relief Work

    Todd: So, I am here with Tarta and we are talking about the tsunami in Thailand and she helped people after the event. Can you talk about what it was like the few days after the tsunami hit? Tarta: Yes, right away from like from the tsunami hit, I we...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】海啸-Tsunami

    Todd: Hello, can you introduce yourself please? Tarta: Yes. My name is Tarta, I am from Thailand. I live in the southern part, in the east coast. Todd: So Tarta, you were in Thailand when you had the tsunami? Tarta: Yes, I was right back from my Laos...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】闪电配对-Speed Dating

    Jonathan: Have you ever heard about speed dating? Jeff: Speed dating? No. I have no idea. Fast....? Jonathan: This is a kind of thing that started up in the last number of years, and what happens is it there's an organizer and you go to some dates in...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】网恋-Online Dating

    Jonathan: So, Jeff, you know, I don't know if I want go out to the pub again on Saturday. LIke the music is a little bit too loud. It's hard to meet people and so on. I don't know. I've been thinking, we should do like some online dating. You know, t...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】成功的秘密-The Secret of Success

    Jonathan: Jeff, I really don't understand how sometimes you have so much success with girls when we go out to the bar. It often seems like I'm the one sitting there and not really enjoying the conversation with the other girl's friend while you reall...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】挑选约会地点-Pick Up Places

    Jeff: So, Jonathan, I'd like to meet a nice girl. I'm looking to meet a nice girl but I'm not quite sure where we should go to meet women. What do you think? Where's a good place to meet some women? Jonathan: You know, that's hard to say, I mean, the...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】保持体重-Keeping it Off

    Todd: So, going back to before you went in to the army, what made you get so big? Was it just that you were sitting all day? Were you eating hamburgers everyday or what were you doing? Jade: I don't want to blame American culture ... but as you said,...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】减肥-The Big Drop

    Todd: Hello. I am here with Jade from Korea and we are going to talk about life in the military. So Jade, you were in the army correct? Jade: Yeah, I was in the army 'til just a year ago. Todd: Ah, so pretty recently. Jade: Yeah, recently. Todd: So h...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】快餐-Fast Food

    Mike: Hi, this is Mike from Singapore and I'm talking to Clare from America about obesity and food in our respective countries. So Clare, what about America? What makes it so infamous for having food that are very, very so called unhealthy? Clare: We...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】新加坡的饮食-Diet in Singapore

    Clare: Hello this is Clare from the United States, I am talking with Mike from Singapore about obesity and diet in our countries. America is famous for well infamous for being one of the fattest countries in the world. Mike you said that in Singapore...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】说英语?-Speak English?

    Brian: Hey Fanny. Fanny: Hey, Brian. Brian: How's it going? Fanny: Not bad. Brian: Alright, so we're asking each other questions about our countries, and last question that I asked was when is the best time to visit? but I have another question to as...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】来中国旅游小贴士-Tips for Travelling in China

    Brian: Hey Fanny. Fanny: Hey. Brian: So we're asking each other questions about our countries, and I have a couple of questions about China for you. Fanny: Sure, go ahead. Brian: So the first thing I was looking to know was, what's the best time to v...
