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  • 跟踪者Stalker 第169期:多年的恩怨 Scott and I were hot and heavy in high school. 斯考特和我高中时感情很好很甜蜜 After he left for college, I could tell he was losing interest. 他去上大学之后,我能感觉到他失去了兴趣 It was home coming. Scott was back,
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第170期:詹妮丝的表态 Someone's in a hurry. 挺猴急啊你 Now don't be coy. I know you didn't drag me out here just to dance. 不要忸怩作态了。我知道你叫我出来不只是为了跳舞 That is true. I do have something else in mind. 没错。我的确有其他想
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第171期:实施报复 I pinged Scott Mason's phone. His gps shut off near the end of Candle Drive. 我定位了斯考特梅森的手机,他的定位系统最后显示在坎德尔道上 Isn't that near the botanical gardens? 那不是在植物园附近吗 She's taking hi
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第172期:科妮被捕 Cori? Cori, it's over. I know about Meg. 科妮?科妮,都结束了,我知道梅格的事了 I know what he did to the both of you. I could help you if you let me. 我知道他对你们俩做了什么。如果你愿意,我可以帮你 When's
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第173期:痛苦的回忆 Sophia has alwaysbeen insecure, ok? 索菲娅一直缺乏安全感 She had convinced herself that that's what happened 她自欺欺人编造了这个故事 because she couldn't accept that I lost interest in her and hooked up with the other girls. 因为
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第174期:痛苦的回忆(2) Meg is dead because of them. 因为他们,梅格死了 Why didn't you go to the police all those years ago? 你当年为什么不报警 I was afraid of what my mom would think. 我担心妈妈会怎么想 We were out past curfew, drinking. I wanted
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第175期:法网恢恢 S.I.D. just sent this over. It's marked Urgent. Good news? 安全识别组送来了这个。标了紧急情报。是好消息吗? Cori. What's going on? 科妮。怎么了 There's something I want you to see. Ben. 我想让你亲眼目睹这一幕。
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第176期:案件告一段落 Why the long face? This case bugs. I'll second that. 为什么闷闷不乐?这案子真让人郁闷。同感。 The victims were guilty, the stalker was a victim. 受害人是犯罪者,跟踪狂原来是个受害者 I don't like it when it's gray
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第177期:遇到变态佩里 Can I help you with that? 要帮忙吗 It's nice to see you, Lieutenant Davis, 很高兴见到你,戴维斯探长 but then, I mean, you always stop off here for dinner. 你每天都会来这打包晚餐 You love their deli salads. 你喜欢他们家的
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第178期:遇到变态佩里(2) Get away from my car. 你让开 Or what? You gonna hit me again? 不然呢,你要再打我一顿吗 No one has ever touched me like that. 从没有人敢对我动手 Why did you smack me around? 你为什么要揍我 Was it because I remind you of
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第179期:韦德太太 Hello? This is Brighton Home Security. 您好,这里是布莱顿住宅安保公司 Mrs. Wade, what is your emergency? 韦德太太,您那里有什么事吗 Oh, my god. I think somebody's in my house. 天啊,我觉得屋子里进了人 All right
  • 跟踪者Stalker 第180期:偶遇伊森 Morning, Wesley. 早上好,韦斯利 Ethan. What are you doing here? 伊森。你怎么在这儿 I'm heading to school just around the corner. 我正好要去学校,就在这附近 Does your mom know where you are? 你妈妈知道你在这儿吗