纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 01国王的梦想
Louis XIV - so powerful, 法王路易十四 他大权在握 he took his name from the sun itself. 自诩为太阳王 So dominant, 他权倾天下 he made the haughtiest aristocrats bend to his will. 即使最傲慢的贵族也对他俯首称臣 So in
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 02梦想的开始
It started in a swamp. 凡尔赛宫的建造始于一片沼泽 It was here, in a stretch of mosquito-infested marshland, 就在这片蚊虫滋生的泽地里 that Louis, the 27-year-old King of France, 27岁的法王路易 decided to construct his ne
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 03是热情,还是爱情?
Louis was to devote much of his energy to his new project, 路易为新殿工程投入了巨大精力 but he was always sure to make time for his other great passion. 但他总能为另一爱好腾出时间 Although married to Queen Marie-Therese, 尽管
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 04"太阳王"的由来
As a kind of living god, Louis liked nothing more 作为现世神灵 than being the centre of everyone else's attention. 路易最享受成为所有人关注的焦点 Louis was brought up in a theatre-mad age. 路易在一个戏剧狂热的年代长大
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 05人生苦短,及时行乐
Le Vau's plans for the remodelling of Versailles were complete, 勒沃改造凡尔赛宫的计划已经完成 and ready to present to his demanding boss. 已可呈现给他挑剔的主顾 Louis certainly knew that what he wanted, 路易当然知道自己
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 06法国——时尚之国的渊源
Louis liked to display his power. 路易喜爱展示权力 After winning a war against Spain, 战胜西班牙后 he celebrated with a huge party in the gardens of Versailles. 他在凡尔赛花园里开办大型庆祝会 It was also a chance for the
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 07哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗
Because Louis was spending, 因为路易在凡尔赛宫 more and more time at Versailles, 停留的时间逐渐变长 he decided to move his entire government there. 他决定将整个政府移至此地 Toaccommodatethe new officials, 为安顿新的官
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 08怎样能让男人对你俯首贴耳?
Louis' mistress Madame De Montespan 路易的情妇德蒙特斯潘夫人 was already married, 已为人妇 but that didn't stop herspendingmost of her time with the King. 但她并未因此疏远国王 And he made sure she got the VIP treatment. 路易
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 09暴君与专制的形成
Louis kept a close eye on the building works. 路易密切关注建筑的进展 But one inspection visit brought a nasty surprise. 但一次视察途中他受惊不小 A mother angry at the death of her son, killed on site, 一位在工地上痛失爱子
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 10善于捕获人心才能掌权持久
The envelope around the old hunting lodge wascomplete. 旧日行宫外的围护结构已经完成 Louis' ministers were installed in their new apartments, 路易的朝臣们搬入了新房 and the King began governing from Versailles. 国王开始了在
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 11浮华外表下的无灵之地
However magnificent the plans, 无论计划多么宏伟 Louis' experience with his builders was a familiar one. 路易与建造者的经历仍旧如昔 Everything took much longer and cost far more than the estimates. 开销与所用时间远远超出预
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 12最时尚的国王是怎样炼成的
Louis' desire for magnificence extended to every aspect of his life 路易追求每个方面的恢弘 especially his wardrobe. 尤其是他的衣橱 He dressed in the finest cloth, 他穿着华服美裳 and expected his courtiers to do likewise. 并希
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 13凡尔赛宫的奇观之一
Even the King's mealtimes turned into a performance, 就连国王的晚餐也变成了表演 where the nobles stood 贵族们站在一边 and watched the King eat, waiting for him to speak to them. 观看国王进餐 等着他开口 One of the phenom
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 14路易十四始终未能解决的问题
Louis' restless pursuit of glory and magnificence 路易对荣耀与宏伟的无尽追求 found expression in the gardens of Versailles. 体现在凡尔赛宫的花园里 But even the King could notchange 但即使是国王 the geography of a region 也
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 15这里是宛若仙境的梦想之国
Fortunately, there was enough glass 所幸经过六年的日夜兼工后 to furnish the Palace's most ambitious development, 宫殿里有足够的玻璃 the result of six years' intense work. 用以实现路易完善宫殿的野心 This was Mansart a
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