纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 46年轻情妇让老国王重现光彩
You can see that he did have a clear tendency 可以很清楚地看到 towards somesortof depression. 他有明显的抑郁倾向 For the rest of his life, 他的余生 he remains withdrawn, somewhat depressive, 一直都很沉默寡言 甚至抑郁
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 47门当户对总会成为择偶标准
She was absolutely loathed. Everyone hated her. 她被人唾弃 人人都恨她 The Parisians hated her because she wasn't an aristocrat. 她由于不是贵族而招致巴黎人厌恶 The aristocrats hated her 贵族厌恶她 because she wasreallylit
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 48即使手握重权 也别随便滥用
Louis XV felt the Crown was underthreatfrom the Parlement, 路易十五觉得自己的王位受到来自最高法院 from different sections of society. 和不同社会阶级的威胁 It had suffered the defeats of the Seven Years War, 法国遭受到七
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 49是君主专制还是开明改革
您现在的位置: 首页 英语听力 英语视频听力 BBC纪录片 BBC纪录片凡尔赛宫精讲 正文 BBC纪录片《凡尔赛宫》精讲第49期:是君主专制还是开明改革 时间:2012-06-03 07:38:00 来源:可可英语 编辑:lily
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 50为时已晚 覆水难收
It was too late for Louis to play the reformer. 路易再想扮演改革者就已经太迟了 Years of erotic self-indulgence, along with failed wars 多年荒淫糜烂的生活 失败的战争 and bungled diplomacy, 及笨拙的外交政策 had ceme
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 51碌碌无为不被喝彩的一生
Louis XV, himself, must be intensely mortified 路易十五自己一定非常心烦意乱 by the fact that he is not loved, 因为他不再受人民爱戴 that he faces opposition at court, 被当庭质问 and for the fact that he is so isolated 他在
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 52人之将死,其言也善
He had a particularly unpleasant form of it, 他得的是种很难看的天花 which was the black variety, 是一种黑色变种 that changed the entire colour of the face 能使整张脸 to a sort of dark copper mask. 犹如一张红铜色的面具
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 53一位平庸而无为国王的死亡
In fact, he did face it, the last few days, 事实上 在他生命的最后几天里 with considerable courage. 他确实非常勇敢 He goes about dying 他不停地说 like a good Christian, like a good king, 要像一个虔诚的基督教徒和好国
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 54法国历史里最平庸的国王
The population had just 人们对于这位国王 lost any hope or confidence in their king, 失去了希望和信心 and indeed, I think it's fair to say, 实际上 我认为 they'd fallen out of love with their king. 他们再也不拥戴他们的国王
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 55法国最显赫家族的挑战
For over a century, the Palace of Versailles 一个世纪以来 凡尔赛宫中 was home to the most powerful family in Europe. 都住着法国最为显赫的家族 A place of artistic brilliance, 其间充盈着华彩艺术 lavish entertainment, 奢靡
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 56年轻的国王王后还没有准备
In 1775, Versailles celebrated 1775年 新王与其王后 the coronation of a new king and queen. 在凡尔赛宫加冕 Louis XVI had lived most of his 20 years here, 路易十六20年来都居住于此 surrounded by courtiers and power brokers. 簇拥
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 57引领时代与时俱进的国王
To be truly popular, Louis knew that he had to govern 为了赢得爱戴 路易知道自己 in the interest of all his people, 要以人民的利益为重 and not just the ones he had grown up with. 而不仅是他与之长大的那些人 In keeping
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 58国王的婚姻是场宫廷闹剧
Louis and Marie Antoinette seemed 路易和玛丽安托瓦内特似乎 happy and relaxed in public. 在万众瞩目下快乐悠闲 But, behind the smiles, 但是在他们的微笑后 there was a problem with the royal marriage. 皇室婚姻却摇摇欲
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 59七年王室婚姻的绝对秘密
It's so embarrassing, 这太尴尬了 a situation where all the courtiers hang about the bridal chamber. 所有幕僚都在婚房附近徘徊 I mean, it's inconceivable to us. 这对我们来说简直不可思议 They were allowed to do that and sort
纪录片《凡尔赛宫》 60革命与创新是个漫长的过程
Louis XVI really does begin his reign 路易的执政生涯开始于 with modernising and adventurous policies, 实行现代而大胆的政策 so this is amodern, 他是一位思想前卫 forward-looking king who would hope to reform France 颇有远见
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