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  • 精美英文欣赏:We’re Just Beginning 一切刚开始

    We are reading the first 1)verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are 2)infinite... I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a 3)reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the myster...

  • 精美英文欣赏:Catch of a Lifetime 一生的收获

    Catch of a Lifetime He was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his familys 1)cabin on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake. On the day before the 2)bass season 3)opened, he and his father were fishing early i...

  • 精美英文欣赏:Growing Roots 成长的树根

    When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. He didnt look like any doctor Id ever known. He never yelled at us for playing in his yard. I remember him as someone who was a lot nicer than 1)circumstances warranted. When Dr. Gibbs was...

  • 精美英文欣赏:How Germans See Others 德国人如何看待

    The Germans generally adore England and have suffered in the past from unrequited love.England used to be the ultimate role model with its amazingly advanced political,social, industrial and technological achievements. The Germans regard the English...

  • 精美英文欣赏:A Business Creed 职业信条

    To respect my work, my associates and myself. To be honest and fair with them as I expect them to be honest and fair with me. To be a man whose word carries weight. To be a booster, not a knocker; a pusher, not a kicker; a motor, not a clog. To base...

  • 精美英文欣赏:Rain of Seattle西雅图的雨(下)

    It's a sin around here to not thoroughly enjoy every moment of every golden day. It's embarrassing to answer, Did you get out and enjoy the sunshine this weekend? with No, I stayed inside. Co-workers frown and exchange suspicious looks; apparently I'...

  • 精美英文欣赏:Rain of Seattle西雅图的雨(上)

    I've got a deep secret few people understand and even fewer will admit to sharing. It's time to tell the truth: I love the rain, deeply and passionately and more than the sun. At least I live in the right place, famous for its damp weather and spawni...

  • 精美英文欣赏:Napoleon to Josephine拿破仑致约瑟芬

    Napoleon to Josephine拿破仑致约瑟芬 I have your letter, my adorable love. It has filled my heart with joy. since I left you I have been sad all the time. My only happiness is near you. I go over endlessly in my thought your kisses, your tears,...

  • 精美英文欣赏:How to Be True to Yourself如何对自己诚

    My grandparents believed you were either honest or you werent.There was no in between. They had a simple motto hanging on heir living-room wall:Life is like a field of newly fallen snow;where I choose to walk every step will show.They didnt have to t...

  • 精美英文欣赏:Choose Optimism 选择乐观

    Choose Optimism--By Rich De Vos If you expect something to turn out badly, it probably will.Pessimism is seldom disappointed. But the same principle also works in reverse. If you expect good things to happen, they usually do! There seems to be a natu...

  • 精美英文欣赏:Night 夜色

    Night has fallen over the country. Through the trees rises the red moon and the stars are scarcely seen. In the vast shadow of night the coolness and the dews descend. I sit at the open window to enjoy them; and hear only the voice of the summer wind...

  • 精美英文欣赏:A Tribute to the Dog 狗的赞歌

    本文是一篇法庭辩护词,作者George Graham (1830-1904) 是美国密苏里州的一个议员,是当时杰出的演讲家和辩论家。本篇是他早年从事法律工作时在法庭上所作,其时他为一位因狗被杀而起诉的人做...

  • 精美英文欣赏:What Is Immortal何为不朽(威廉.赫兹里

    What Is Immortal To see the golden sun and the azure sky, the outstretched ocean, to walk upon the green earth, and to be lord of a thousand creatures, to look down giddy precipices or over distant flowery vales, to see the world spread out under one...

  • 精美英文欣赏:Express your love说出你的爱吧

    为我买一朵玫瑰花,工作时给我打个电话, 为我开开门,这样做你会难受吗? 用你含情脉脉的眼神告诉我你的爱, 我的生活多么需要这些小小的表达。 Many times, the small things in life, which we o...

  • 精美英文欣赏: The Blue Days 忧郁的日子

    Everybody has blue days. These are miserable days when you feel lousy, grumpy, lonely, and utterly exhausted.Days when you feel small and insignificant, when everything seems just out of reach.You cant rise to the occasion.Just getting started seems...
