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  • 听播客学英语 165 耻辱 Welcome back. I hope you all had a good Easter break. Today I want to tell you about the English expression in disgrace. The best way to explain is to give you some examples. Example one. A little girl wants to make some new clothes for her doll. She
  • 听播客学英语 166 春天 is April, and the spring has arrived, even here in Birmingham. When we talk about the spring, what sort of things can we say? What words and expressions do we use? Here are some examples: In spring, the days grow longer. We put our clocks forward by
  • 听播客学英语 167 愚人节 Today is the first of April. The first of April is traditionally called All Fools Day, or April Fools Day. It is a day for mischief, or playing tricks on people; and for getting people to believe things which are not true. Today is the 50th Anniversa
  • 听播客学英语 168 跑遍世界 Robert Garside is 40 years old and he has run all the way round the world. He started in New Delhi in India in 1997, and finished his epic journey four years later. In the course of his run, he crossed 29 countries in 6 continents. He covered 35,000
  • 听播客学英语 169 凝望大海... Do you know what to gaze at something means? It means to look at something for a long time. And normally the thing that you are gazing at is a long way away. So we might say, for example, that I gaze at the distant hills, or I gaze at the horizon. An
  • 听播客学英语 170 与朱丽叶“的一天 Juliet is seven years old. Her mother has just had a new baby, so it is arranged that Juliet can stay with Kevin and Joanne for a few days, so that her Mum can rest. Joanne told Kevin that Juliet was coming to stay, but Kevin was watching a football
  • 听播客学英语 171 如何活到100 Recently, Mr Buster Martin had a birthday. He went to work as normal, and his colleagues at work organised a party for him. There was a birthday cake, and candles, and everyone sang Happy Birthday to you. It was a special occasion. Buster Martin was
  • 听播客学英语 172 骗局 Todays podcast introduces the English word scam. What is a scam? Imagine this situation. I set up a website. The website says that you can buy new digital cameras really cheaply. You are interested. You think you would like to buy one of my cheap cam
  • 听播客学英语 173 彼得兔 Todays podcast is about a woman called Beatrix Potter. She was born in London in 1866, and grew up there. But her family used to go to the Lake District in north-west England for holidays, and she came to love the Lake District and to know it well. A
  • 听播客学英语 174 上议院 I have some political stuff for you in todays podcast. In Britain, we have a Parliament. Parliament makes new laws and oversees the government of the country. There are two chambers, or Houses of Parliament the House of Commons and the House of Lords
  • 听播客学英语 175 去中学 In England, children normally start school when they are about five. They go to a primary school until they are 10 years old. Then they move to secondary school. This is big change for children. Secondary schools are much bigger than primary schools.
  • 听播客学英语 176 房子里的大象 Today we will discover three English expressions or idioms. All of them use the names of animals big animals. The first animal that we meet is a bull. Imagine a bull standing in a shop. The shop sells china plates, cups, saucers, bowls, tea-pots. The
  • 听播客学英语 177 家庭 This podcast is about families, and the names which we give in English to the relationships between family members names like mother, grandparent, cousin and uncle. You will probably find it helpful to look at a diagram while you listen. I have uploa
  • 听播客学英语 178 夜间邮件 The English poet Wystan Hugh Auden was born 100 years ago this week. He wrote over 400 poems, and he was always known by his initials W H Auden. When he was young, he was a radical, both in his politics and his poetry. But like many of us he became m
  • 听播客学英语 179 堤坝 Todays podcast is about the word run. You know what run means. If you are late, you have to run to catch the train. In a football game, the players run after the ball. But we can use run in lots of other ways as well. As we shall see. Last week, I vi