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  • 听播客学英语 240 害怕 You know what afraid means, dont you? If I am afraid, I am frightened or scared. If I am very afraid, I could say that I am terrified. When we want to talk about the thing that makes us afraid, we say afraid of. Some people are afraid of flying in ae
  • 听播客学英语 241 夏天 Summer has reached England at last. For the past week the sun has shone and the birds have sung. There is a very old English song, from the thirteenth century, about the arrival of summer. It is written in mediaeval English, which is difficult to und
  • 听播客学英语 242 走的太快 If you had been in Manchester one day last year, you might have seen a man taking down a road sign, and then carrying it away and putting it up again on a different road. What was going on? It happened like this. In Britain, if you are driving a car,
  • 听播客学英语 243 悲惨事件 A few days ago, the newspapers reported a tragic incident in Manchester. Kally, a 15-year old girl, had split up from her boyfriend Josh, who was 18. A few days later, Josh came round to Kallys house. People nearby heard Kally and Josh arguing. Then
  • 听播客学英语 244 你们这样做是故意的... Kevin has bought a new jumper. It has brown, orange and beige stripes. Kevin likes his jumper very much. Joanne hates it. The colours are awful and it makes you look fat, she says. A few days later Joanne puts some washing in the washing machine. Kev
  • 听播客学英语 245 足球 Some of you have e-mailed me to say that you would like a podcast about English words for things that happen in a football match. There are many important people at a football match. There are the players 11 on each side. There are the substitutes wh
  • 听播客学英语 246 生日 Photo by brewrat/flickr What is a Birthday ? When Im young, its cake and candles. Can I blow them out You bet ! When Im in my teens and twenties, an excuse for going wild. Shall we have a noisy party oh yes ! Im not a child ! When I reach the 30/40 m
  • 听播客学英语 247 get In English, we use the word get (or its past tense got) very often. Sometimes we say get by itself; sometimes we say get as part of a phrasal verb such as get in or get up. And we use get/got to mean many different things. If I get a newspaper, it me
  • 听播客学英语 248 足球狂热 In less than two weeks time, the football World Cup competition begins in Germany. Football fever is already sweeping the country. There are articles in the newspapers and programmes on television. Many people have placed English flags in the windows
  • 听播客学英语 249 Eden Rock I have another poem for you today. It is called Eden Rock and it is by Charles Causley, who lived in Cornwall in the far south-west of England. In the poem he imagines his parents as they were when they were young. His father is wearing a tweed suit,
  • 听播客学英语 250 垃圾 Litter means things that people throw away in a public place, like a street. Things like cigarette ends, crisp packets, old newspapers or Coca-Cola cans. Litter makes a place look untidy and dirty. We ought to put our litter in a litter bin, or take
  • 听播客学英语 251 真的很开心 I am sure you know what real means. If something is real, it exists you can touch it, or see it, for example it isnt imaginary, or something you have made up. So really means in reality or in truth. Kevin tells Joanne that he is going shopping. But R
  • 听播客学英语 252 习惯 Last time, June told us about what she used to do when she was young. You remember that we say used to about things which happened in the past, not once but many times, or which happened continuously. But you know that English is not simple! We can u
  • 听播客学英语 253 过去做的事 Used to we use this expression very often in English when we want to talk about things which happened in the past, not once, but many times, or things which happened continuously. For example. When I was young, we used to go on holiday by the sea. Th
  • 听播客学英语 254 我的自行车丢了 In English, if we say that something HAS GONE, or that something IS GONE, we mean that it has disappeared. If I say that my money has all gone, I mean that I dont have any money any more. Maybe someone has stolen it. Maybe I have spent it all. If I s