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  • 听播客学英语 225 Lend and Borrow This podcast is about the two words lend and borrow. Sometimes people learning English find it difficult to remember how to use them correctly. I hope this podcast helps. Kevin is a punk rock fan. When he was younger, he used to wear big boots and a
  • 听播客学英语 226 投注 Many English people like betting. They bet on horse races, and football matches. They bet in the National Lottery. They bet on who will win the next General Election, and whether it will snow on Christmas Day. To place a bet, you go to a bookmakers,
  • 听播客学英语 227 海边 Welcome back. I hope you had a good summer. I hope too that you like the redesign of the web-site. Where do British families go for a summer holiday? Nowdays, of course, many families fly to Spain or Greece or Florida, or to more exotic places. But t
  • 听播客学英语 228 热浪 When we have several days of very hot weather, we call it a heatwave.In Britain, we are having a heatwave at present. In fact, we are having record high temperatures. Yesterday, 19 July, was the hottest July day on record. The highest temperature (36
  • 听播客学英语 229 竹篙巷 In Liverpool, there is a street called Penny Lane. Why is it called Penny Lane? Perhaps the name comes from the penny coin nowdays the smallest coin used in Britain. Perhaps there were shops on Penny Lane which sold cheap things, things which cost on
  • 听播客学英语 230 硬件 You are listening to this podcast on a computer, or perhaps you have downloaded it from a computer to an MP3 player. So I am sure that you know what the words hardware and software mean. Hardware means the computer itself and other machines which are
  • 听播客学英语 231 a sotry Recently. I found a fascinating web site. It is the story of Alderley Edge, which is a village south of Manchester. The site contains a lot of maps, pictures and documents about the history of the village, and sound files in which people who live in
  • 听播客学英语 232 忙碌 Todays podcast is about words and phrases which we use to talk about being very busy. Kevins boss wants his staff to prepare a new report. As usual, he wants it straight away. His staff explain that they cant write the report instantly. So the boss s
  • 听播客学英语 233 你忘了我的茶 Last week, the police in Denia in eastern Spain made a gruesome discovery. They found a decomposing body in a rubbish tip underneath a motorway bridge. The body was that of Colin Nodes, who was British, and a criminal with a long and colourful histor
  • 听播客学英语 234 取得联系 You know what the word touch means. As I type these words, my fingers touch the computer keyboard. If I touch something hot, I will burn myself. But what does it mean if I say that I am in touch with someone? Here are some examples. I have a friend.
  • 听播客学英语 235 大胆的走 Do you remember Star Trek? Star Trek was a science-fiction TV series which began in the 1960s. Later there were 10 Star Trek films. In Star Trek, the characters explore the galaxy and discover new worlds. They defend civilisation from aliens who wish
  • 听播客学英语 236 看起来要下雨 Sometimes, when we talk about something which we think has happened, or which we think will happen, we use the expression it looks like. There are dark clouds in the sky. You think that it will soon start to rain. What do you say? I think it is going
  • 听播客学英语 237 温网公开赛 The Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2006 have begun. Wimbledon is a place in south-west London. Tennis championships have taken place there every year since 1877. And, because this is England, there are important traditions about tennis at Wimbledon.
  • 听播客学英语 238 特里和特里 I have a video for you today. It is about Terry and his wife, who is also called Terry (Terry is a name which both men and women can have). Together they tell the story of how they first met, and how over 50 years later they got married. Terry (the m
  • 听播客学英语 239 失物招领 It is summer. And in the summer, people including politicians go on holiday. And this means that the newspapers are sometimes short of real news to print. British journalists sometimes call this time of year the silly season, because of the silly sto