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英语听力:听电影学英语—新美国梦 11

时间:2012-01-14 07:41来源:互联网 提供网友:fei   字体: [ ]

  [00:02.44]Will we sell the camcorder? 我们要卖掉摄相机吗?
  [00:05.28]No. 不
  [00:08.32]Don't be worrying, girl. Everything's gonna be okay. 不要担心,孩子们, 一切都会好的
  [00:18.48]Hey, lrish. Irish! 嘿,爱尔兰人
  [00:26.12]Hey, Johnny. Haven't seen you for seven days. 嘿,约翰尼 好些天不见
  [00:31.52]-That means you owe me $7. -Jesus, not again. - 你意味着你欠我$7 - 天,现在不行了
  [00:34.04]A dollar a day keeps Frank away. Hey, I'm joking. 一天一美圆可以不让弗兰克烦你 嘿,我只是开玩笑
  [00:36.08]I've no money. 我没有钱
  [00:38.52]No, no. I got something for you. 不,不,我有东西给你
  [00:40.48]Here, here. 这个
  [00:42.32]-What are they? -They're food stamps. - 什么东西? - 是粮票
  [00:47.40]-I'm all right, thanks. -Come on, you helped me out. - 我很好,谢谢 - 不,你一定要接受,你帮过我的
  [00:51.36]I'm just trying to help you out for once. Come on, take them. 我只是想帮你一次而已, 拿着吧
  [00:53.16]You can't take something from me? Take the stamps. 我也不能给你什么, 你就拿着粮票吧
  [00:57.40]Come on, take the stamps. 拿着吧
  [01:03.52]-Thanks. -No problem, lrish. - 谢谢 - 不用,爱尔兰来的家伙
  [01:12.80]Come on then. Tuck youse in. 好了,孩子们,盖好被子
  [01:17.04]Dad? Who's gonna iron our school uniforms? 爸爸,谁来给我们熨烫校服?
  [01:19.12]Daddo the baddo. 爸爸会处理的
  [01:23.64]-I need money for school. -I have that sorted. It's all right. - 我需要钱上学的 - 我已经预算好了,放心吧
  [01:24.52]-Dad? -What? - 爸爸 - 怎么了?
  [01:28.44]-Okay. -Okay? - 好的 - 好了吗?
  [01:31.52]-Night, Dad. -Good night. - 晚安,爸爸 - 晚安
  [01:32.48]Dad. You forgot to say Christy's prayer. 爸爸,你忘记祈祷了
  [01:37.96]-I don't know it. -I'll say it. - 我不知道 - 我来说吧
  [01:43.40]-All right. -Kneel. - 好的 - 跪下吧
  [01:48.36]-What? -Will you kneel? - 什么? - 你不跪下吗?
  [01:50.44]No. I'm not kneeling, no. 不,我不跪的
  [01:56.84]-Mam always kneels. -But dads are different. - 妈妈总是跪下的 - 但爸爸就不一样了
  [02:02.80]-I want Mam. -Christy, do the prayer, would you? - 我要妈妈 - 克莉丝蒂, 你来祈祷好吗?
  [02:07.44]No monsters, no ghosts. No nightmares, no witches. 没有怪物,没有魔鬼, 没有噩梦,没有诱惑
  [02:12.92]No people coming into the kitchen, smashing the dishes. 没有人闯进厨房打碎碟子
  [02:18.36]No devils coming out of the mirror, no dolls coming alive. 没有恶魔从镜子中爬出, 没有洋娃娃会有生命
  [02:23.36]Mateo going home, Frankie in Heaven. 马蒂奥回家了, 弗兰克在天堂
  [02:25.60]The baby not coming too early or too late. 比比也会适当的时候出生
  [02:31.84]Mam, Dad, Christy, and Ariel, all together in one happy family... 妈妈,爸爸,克莉丝蒂,还有爱蕊儿, 一起组成快乐幸福家庭……
  [02:34.44]and all well with the world. Amen. 还有全世界平安,阿门
  [02:40.32]I'll see youse in the morning. 明早见
  [02:40.68]You're great girls. 你们都很乖
  [02:42.32]-Night, Dad. -Night, Dad. - 晚安,爸爸 - 晚安,爸爸
  [02:49.76]-How much does it cost in the hospital? -Thousands and thousands. - 要多少医药费呢? - 很多很多.
  [02:54.44]Good night. 晚安
  [02:58.52]"To be, or not to be...."
  [03:00.52]Blah, blah, fucking blah.
  [03:02.92]"Whether it be nobler in the mind"...
  [03:05.72]to stick my head in the fucking oven and end it all?
  [03:07.44]Where's Dad? 爸爸在哪里?
  [03:14.96]I want my dad. 我要我的爸爸
  [03:18.28]-I am your dad. -You're not my dad. - 我是你爸爸 - 你不是我爸爸
  [03:21.76]I want my real dad. 我要真的爸爸
  [03:23.92]-Come here. -Stay away from me. - 过来 - 你快离开
  [03:27.56]-Come here to me. -Where's Mam? - 到我这来 - 妈妈到哪去了?
  [03:29.76]-What did you do with Mam? -I'll get Mam. Come here, baby. - 你到底对妈妈做了什么? - 妈妈很快回来了,快过来宝贝
  [03:32.16]No! Mam! 不!妈妈!
  [03:49.56]Come here to me. 到我这来
  [03:54.72]Look at me, look at me. 看着我,看着我
  [03:57.00]-Am I your dad? -No. - 我是你爸爸吗? - 不
  [04:02.60]Here, look. Look at me. 好,仔细看着我
  [04:08.88]Am I your dad? 我是你爸爸吗?
  [04:11.96]Maybe. 好象是
  [04:17.76]So spring came. And with it, the baby. 接下来春天来了,比比也同时出生了
  [04:21.88]It had come too soon. 它出来的太早了
  [04:35.36]Can you get Karen for me? 可以帮我叫卡伦吗?
  [04:37.00]Please don't let my baby come. I don't want my baby to come. 不要让我的比比出生, 不要
  [04:40.80]No, it's too early. It's too early! 不,现在还太早,太早了
  [04:50.16]Coming through, stat. 脱险了,斯泰
  [04:52.60]I need a morphine drip. 我需要些吗啡
  [04:56.40]Nurse, morphine. 护士,吗啡
  [04:58.40]Johnny, why is my baby not crying? 约翰尼,为什么我的孩子不哭呢?
  [04:59.32]-Just go with the baby, go with the baby. -I'm going. - 好好看着孩子,照看孩子 - 我正在努力

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