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  • 【英音模仿秀】C罗两球创纪录铁卫2连击 皇马4-0拜仁进决

    模仿文本: It's been a long time since Bayern Munich were last humiliated like this in front of their own supporters. The reigning champions and early season favourites to retain their crown were just demolished by Real Madrid's perfectly execut...

  • 【英音模仿秀】乔安娜·霍格的中产阶级情节

    ❤ 模仿文本:But first, Cecile Kyenge has had an extraordinary journey. She was brought up in the Democratic Republic of Congo where she was part of a family of 38 children. She travelled to Italy to study medicine, and after marrying an Italia...

  • 【英音模仿秀】资本主义使不平等愈演愈烈

    模仿文本:Inequality is the economic issue of the day. Everyone's talking about it, even the Pope. Earlier this week he tweeted that inequality is the root of all social evil, which led some to wonder if the Pope had been reading Thomas Piketty'...

  • 【英音模仿秀】新宇航服中的大智慧

    模仿文本: It looks nice and futuristic. In fact, you know, it bears lots of sort of resemblances to the traditional spacesuit, the suit that we all think of when we think of space. And actually, the main difference of it is on the surface and t...

  • 【英音模仿秀】大独裁者之死

    模仿文本:It's April 1945. And in the northern Italian city of Milan, the war is finally over. The last occupying German forces and their puppet, the Italian fascist wartime leader, Benito Mussolini, are on the run. 译文:1945年4月,在意大...

  • 【英音模仿秀】美德会晤 制俄援乌

    模仿文本: First then relations between Europe's economic powerhouse Germany and the United States have seen better times. Many Germans are still reeling from revelations that America's National Security Agency spied on the German leader Angela...

  • 【英音模仿秀】曼联主场取胜 队长维迪奇谢幕

    模仿文本: And a night tinged with emotion, Manchester United beat Hull City by three goals to one in their final home game of what's been a difficult campaign at Old Trafford. Ryan Giggs came off the bench and almost scored. In what could have...

  • 【英音模仿秀】爸妈不在家 我们都是这样长大的

    模仿文本:Ilo Ilo is a close-up portrait of a Singapore-Chinese family, working mother and father, young son of ten, another baby on the way, and their Philippine maid. It's 1997, the economy is in crisis, jobs are threatened, money's tight, and...

  • 【英音模仿秀】劫后新生

    模仿文本: But first today, Antonio Boccuzzi is an Italian MP, instantly recognisable because of his ponytail. He entered Parliament in 2008 on a mission to improve safety at work. The year before, when working at the ThyssenKrupp steel factory...

  • 【英音模仿秀】阿里巴巴赴美上市

    Perhaps, we shouldn't be too surprised by news that China is on the brink of breaking yet another world record. It's already the world's most populous country. It has some of the world's largest cities. And then this week, Alibaba Group, China's equi...

  • 【英音模仿秀】美国为何频频发生枪击事件?

    模仿文本: As the weekend approaches, people in Chicago are hoping that they're not in for another couple of days of violence. 30 people were shot last weekend and even more the weekend before that, there were 267 shootings in the city in April...

  • 【英音模仿秀】仙凡殊途两茫茫

    模仿文本: Once upon a time, according to ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of Dawn fell in love with a Trojan prince called Tithonus. She was so besotted with him that she went to Zeus, the king of the gods, to ask that Tithonus be made immo...

  • 【英音模仿秀】食品农业奖

    模仿文本: The annual BBC Food and Farming Awards, an event that brings together a dazzling collection of food producers, farmers, market traders and street food vendors. School cooks rub shoulders with Jamie Oliver, food campaigners and drinks...

  • 【英音模仿秀】热刺主帅舍伍德下课 新帅待定

    模仿文本: Tottenham are looking for a new manager having sacked Tim Sherwood. He replaced Andr Villas Boas in December, but that 18-month deal contained a break clause which the chairman Daniel Levy has decided to exercise after the team finish...

  • 【英音模仿秀】《起风了》

    模仿文本: Both of those films feature extraordinary characters who might not be out of place in an animation by the influential Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki, who co-founded his Studio Ghibli and whose best-known works include the 2003 Oscar...
