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  • 【英音模仿秀】马航坠机:仍未发现飞机残骸

    模仿文本: But first Thailand's space agency says a satellite's detected at least 200 floating objects in an area of the southern Indian Ocean where the missing Malaysian passenger plane is thought to have vanished. The objects are reported to h...

  • 【英音模仿秀】熙熙攘攘为名利

    模仿文本: The Faustian pact was largely the same, you want fame, we want ratings, which means larger-than-life characters, nasty judges, the adrenaline of competition, tantrums, tears and a dose of humiliation, all on camera. Those who made it,...

  • 【英音模仿秀】食品公司造就肥胖危机

    模仿文本: Well some have called it a bigger global health crisis than hunger. With half a billion people now obese, diabetes, stroke and heart disease are on the rise. Treating those problems is becoming a clear and present danger to the health...

  • 【英音模仿秀】萨博格和博努瓦因不当言行被指控

    模仿文本: The English Football Association has charged the Hull City striker Yannick Sagbo and Benot Assou-Ekotto who's on loan from QPR with improper conduct for messages posted on social media in relation to the controversial quenelle gesture...

  • 【英音模仿秀】布偶大电影

    模仿文本:So what happens if you go as a designer? You've got to take these books. It's almost like selling yourself for your wares. So you'll be asked to pitch on a script quite often to meet director and a producer. And then you'll take these...

  • 【英音模仿秀】声音博物馆

    ❤ 模仿文本:Now, a museum curator in Sweden is worried that some sounds may be dying out - sounds, for example, like the click and clack of an old computer keyboard, or the rumble of a printing press. So Torsten Nilsson has organised a collabo...

  • 【英音模仿秀】大有可为的大数据

    模仿文本: I disagree that. I think a lot of people also find it quite spooky when they get targeted advertising. They feel snooped on and they feel as if the Big Brother is watching you. It's very Orwellian in a way. 我不这么认为。我觉得...

  • 【英音模仿秀】巴以和谈危机再起

    模仿文本: In the last couple of days both sides who are coming to the end of nine months of agreed American brokered peace talks, have taken backward steps, the Palestinians have made that gesture which angers Israelis and the Americans of seek...

  • 【英音模仿秀】幸福婚姻公式

    模仿文本: Nor does laughter need much annotation. The greatest joy in life is to discover that the same absurdities of life seem absurd to you both, creating that lovely moment of breakage when the masquerade of courtship you have been enacting...

  • 【英音模仿秀】阿富汗选举

    模仿文本: But first Afghans are voting for a new president on Saturday. Tension has been high as hundreds of thousands of troops and police deployed to try to prevent the Taliban from disrupting the poll as they threatened to do. Today a German...

  • 【英音模仿秀】切尔西2-0胜巴黎圣日耳曼挺近四强

    模仿文本: Well, it may not have been at their most fluent and the two goals may not have been collector's pieces. But it matters not. Chelsea are through. Throughout the season, Jos Mourinho has expressed frustration about his strikers. He's kn...

  • 【英音模仿秀】诺亚方舟 圣经故事的现代再述

    模仿文本:Here, with unprecedented resources at hand, he deliveries a biblical story from modern sensibilities, the dark psychology. What'd you do when your creator ask you to destory mankind, the environmental concerns, the stupendous special e...

  • 【英音模仿秀】搬家去南极

    模仿文本: You're with Outlook from the BBC World Service. I'm Matthew Bannister. Coming up in the next half hour, the British couple who are travelling around the world, trying out weddings in every country they come to. We'll meet them later....

  • 【英音模仿秀】奥巴马为三星“代言”

    模仿文本: This is the second straight drop in quarterly operating profits for Samsung. The current forecast is down around 4% on last year's figures and the previous quarter also showed a drop of around 6%. It's a sharp change from the record p...

  • 【英音模仿秀】联合国安理会将向中非派遣维和部队

    模仿文本: We begin with a look at the latest international response to the brutal violence in the Central African Republic. The United Nations Security Council has voted to approve a new 12,000 strong peacekeeping force in the country. African...
