David Cameron has blamed fine dining at European summits, including a three-course breakfast, for not being 'beach body ready'. 英国首相戴维?卡梅伦指责欧盟峰会的伙食太好,其中包括超量早餐,导致他一点没为海滩身材...
An elegant pair of heels can seem the perfect way to complete a smart outfit. 一双优雅的高跟鞋能为一身时髦的衣着锦上添花。 But women who wear them too often may find the downsides soon outweigh the benefits as research shows the...
Reading difficult material can be a matter of concentration or of simply organizing the challenge into steps: 阅读难以理解的文字材料往往需要人们高度集中注意力,其实还有一种简单的方法,即细分步骤、逐步解决这...
KWL is intended to be an exercise for a study group or class that can guide you in reading and understanding a text. KWL是一种阅读练习,旨在为学习小组或班级成员在阅读和理解文本的过程中提供指导。 It is composed of...
1. She suffers from impostor syndrome, still. 她觉得自己有骗子综合症(患者纵然功成名就,也依然无法内化自己所取得的成就)。 Im still insecure about my own worthiness, Portman said, telling the audience that at the...
Many types of fiction give us great reading pleasure: 小说分成许多种类型,阅读它们能让我们感到极大的愉悦: Novels and short stories can be historic, westerns, science fiction, thrillers, romance, horror, etc. The following c...
We're all heard of fat cats, but Sprinkles here may be America's weightiest tipping the scales at an more than a shocking TWO STONE. 我们都听说过肥猫,但是这只名叫斯普林克斯的猫咪可能是全美最肥的它的体重比惊人的两...
1. Turkeys Pamukkale 土耳其的棉花堡 Turkeycan offer you not only the numerous seas it is surrounded by. Here you can see the wonderful hot springs of Pamukkale. The view is breathtaking both by day and at night. It is very likely that you have...
美音(包括General American Accent、东北口音、纽约口音、南方口音、黑人口音等) 美音总体上的特点是: 发音:rhotic(也就是卷舌,单词中有字母r 则必然要发出),辅音比较含糊,和说英音的...
以下25个小短句,不看正解的情况下能说对几个? 1. Do you have a family? 【正确理解】你有孩子吗? 2. It's a good father that knows his son. 【正确理解】就算是最好的父亲,也未必了解自己的儿子。 3...
1972年6月5日在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩召开了联合国人类环境会议(Nations Conference on the Human Environment),会议通过了《人类环境宣言》,并提出将每年的6月5日定为世界环境日。同年10月,第27届联合...
The decision to ban Borat-style mankinis has helped a seaside town shed its 'Wild West' image as a haven for stag and hen parties after cutting crime and drunken anti-social behaviour, police say. 警察称,一个海边小镇禁穿波拉特风格(...
They wear new designer outfits every day, travel round in style in a pram more expensive than the one Kim Kardashian bought for her baby daughter North and are comforted by a ?600 teddy bear. 他们每天穿着崭新的名牌衣服,出门派头十足...
June 7-8 in China June 7 is a big day for people in China aiming to undertake higher education as the National College Entrance Exam, or gaokao, falls that day. The exam has long been controversial for imposing uniformity in picking talents. Do stude...
An amputee who was cruelly nicknamed 'peg-leg' by school bullies has conquered her insecurities to become a model. 英国有位截肢姑娘,她读书时经常被同学取笑、还有人给她起了个外号木桩腿。 如今,她已经成功战胜各...