You've just taken over the gold in 100 metres. What's your secret? Drugs! 你刚刚赢得了100米跑的金牌,你的秘诀是什么呢?兴奋剂啊。 Damn it, Matt! Take the shot! Right between the eyes, do you hear me? Right, between, the eyes...
You want to win, I want to win. This kind of things, for me that's not arrogant. For me that's the sense of real nature of sports. 你我都想赢得胜利,这种想法对我来说不意味着狂妄,只是一种出自体育的真实情感。 Ever...
Hi, I'm Susan Orlean. I'm the author of a story in this week's magazine about Rin Tin Tin, the dog actor. 大家好,我是Susan Orlean,我是本期杂志一篇关于狗演员故事的作者。 Rin Tin Tin was found on the battlefield in World War...
Hey Lowy. What? Do you want to open your birthday present early? Yeah. You do? Ok, Go and sit on the couch. Is your birthday coming? Ok. OK. So just open that backpack. 你想早点打开你的生日礼物吗?想。真的吗?好的,去沙发上坐...
Which of the following aspects can't indicate the condition of our climate change? 北极冰帽的气候变化是正常现象,不能据此推测出气候变化 According to the vedio,why people living in many places will lack of drinking water? 当地...
1. According to the speaker, which type of the country in the following has the fastest growing rate of population? 根据演讲者所说,哪一类国家的人口增长速度是最快的? 2. Under what circumstances would bring the lower or middl...
My favorite Bio-essence product is Bio-essence sleeping mask because after I finish using sleeping mask, my face is, it always feels like very hydrated and very firm. Even though I'm really tired, I use this every day. So it's really good. I hope all...
看来,虚拟终究敌不过现实啊~~~让我们来看看视频里有趣的语言点吧: Virtual Assistant: 虚拟助理 Actual Assistant: 真人助理 Fix the Girlfriend: 哄女朋友 Done: 任务完成 Breakup With:...
美国著名脱口秀《今夜秀(the tonight show)》拿美国人蹩脚的历史常识好好的涮了涮...主持人上街随机找路人问美国历史相关问题,路人的答案五花八门...最搞笑的是,节目会根据观众的回答重...
Over the coming months, the few parts of Antarctic that are ice-free will be the stage on which 5 million Adlies will build their nests. 在未来的几个月,一些南极的无冰地区,将有5万阿黛利企鹅筑巢。 To construct one, they n...
Jingle bell. Bad me smell. I just crap my pant. Oh, wait. Im not wearing pant. 叮叮当,我好臭,我刚拉屎在我裤子上。噢,等等,我没穿裤子啊。 Merry Christmas. 圣诞快乐 Who are you? Well, Santa Claus. 你是谁?我是圣...
Thieves in Virginiathis is true stole a truck containing president Obamas teleprompter. All right, this has got a lot of news attention today. Ive got to say, I was watching the President .I think hes doing just fine without his teleprompter. Take a...