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  • 缺乏睡眠坏处多-提高患癌几率

    Increase Cancer Risk提高患癌几率 A small (but growing) body of research suggests that short and poor sleep can up risk for certain types of cancer. A 2010 study found that among 1,240 people screened for colorectal cancer, the 338 who were diag...

  • 缺乏睡眠坏处多-加速记忆丧失

    Fuel Memory Loss加速记忆丧失 You probably know that on the days when you are mosttired, you're forgetful and unfocused -- but sleep deprivation can lead to permanent cognitive issues. 你可能已经感觉到:在特别累的时候,自己总是...

  • 缺乏睡眠坏处多-导致肥胖

    Lead To Obesity导致肥胖 Too little sleep can spur some less-than-ideal food choices, including serving yourself larger portions, and a hankering for junk food, thanks to some complicated hormonal changes that occur when you don't get sufficient s...

  • 人为什么会不开心-过度沉迷于某件事物

    Overindulgence of a good thing. 过度沉迷于某件事物 Eating too much makes you fat. Spending too much money makes you broke. Working too much leaves your family at home missing you.Playing too much leaves important work undone. And so on and s...

  • 人为什么会不开心-懒于运动

    Slacking on exercise. 懒于运动 You DO have enough time to exercise. If you say otherwise, you're lying to yourself. The truth is you don't have time not to,or sooner or later you'll be making time for illness. 你有足够的时间去锻炼身体。...

  • 人为什么会不开心-恶劣的态度

    A bad attitude. 恶劣的态度 The greatest discovery you will ever make is that you can change your life by simply changing your attitude. 仅仅通过改变态度就可以改变生活,这也许是你未来的最大发现。 Optimism is the most...

  • 人为什么会不开心-设定不切实际的目标

    Setting unrealistic expectations. 设定不切实际的目标 You won't drop two jean sizes overnight. Your relationships won't grow without your attention. 你的牛仔裤尺寸不可能一夜之间就小两号。如果你不努力,你的人际关系...

  • 人为什么会不开心-迷恋控制

    Sometimes people put too much interest into trying to control every tiny aspect of their lives. Learn to let go, relax and ride the path that life takes you. Try something new, take a chance, but above all,smile and enjoy the scenery. 有时人们过于...

  • 人为什么会不开心-一直自我怀疑

    You will inevitably become who you believe yourself to be. 你不可避免地成为你想成为的人。 If you spend enough time saying, I'm not smart enough, thin enough and rich enough, it's likely that you will someday be right. 如果你花了足够...

  • 人为什么会不开心-过于保守

    过于保守 Everyone experiences unhappy times on occasion, but there is a big difference between experiencing a temporary bout of sadness and living a habitually unhappy life. 每个人都会时不时地觉得不开心,但是偶然觉得不开心和...

  • 十大健康生活习惯

    十大健康生活习惯每个人的生活习惯都不一样,但是大家有没有想过自己的生活习惯是不是健康的呢?健康的生活习惯可以给你带来健康的身体,反之,自然是不言而喻了。 1.Walk to the office....

  • 恋爱ing-你愿意为她而改变

    恋爱ing-你愿意为她而改变 You're willing to better yourself for her你愿意为她而改变 For very few people in this world we are willing tochange or better ourselves. The obvious entries in this list of people are close family members an...

  • 恋爱ing-每时每刻想和她在一起

    恋爱ing-每时每刻想和她在一起 You want to spend all your time with her每时每刻想和她在一起If you are going through a phase of wanting to meet and spend time with only one person, then you are bitten by the love bug. 如果有段时...

  • 恋爱ing-迷上小情歌

    恋爱ing-迷上小情歌 Your playlist = romantic songs迷上小情歌 Our playlist suggests a lot about our personality. 什么样的人听什么样的歌。 It does not simply mirror our taste in music, but itreflects our current state of mind as...

  • 恋爱ing-眼中的她完美无瑕

    恋爱ing-眼中的她完美无瑕Ms. Perfect眼中的她完美无瑕 Ever feel that she can not do anything wrong? 是不是觉得她做什么都是对的? That she is the one person who wouldn't as much ashurt a fly and is incapable of causing gr...
