恋爱ing-一直想着她 We all have been in love at least once in our lives.And we all know that it does something to us. 每个人一生都至少爱过一次。爱情让我们改变。 Our body language changes, we feel happier than usual, the wor...
榴莲族Durian clan Durian clan refers to those ill-tempered co-workers who have been working for many years and arehard to get along with, just like the smelly fruit with thick thorny skin. 榴莲族,是对职场中有一定工作资历,但脾气...
跳城city hopping有报道称,2011年北京市的暂住人口比2010年少了60万。大城市的高房租、高房价,还有拥堵的交通和激烈的竞争让不少年轻人都选择跳城。 City hopping describes the situation that some you...
smartphone nanny手机保姆没空照看孩子就让手机陪孩子玩?我们身边这样的情况还真不少见。好像智能手机和平板电脑除了常规的网络电子功能以外,还多了一个功能,就是当保姆。 When parents a...
智慧相亲 intellidating电视里的相亲节目不断爆出争议话题,不像是为大家服务,更像是精心策划的一场秀。在线婚配呢,倒是显得很私人,可是你真的相信网络那一端跟你说话的不是一名刚满...
音乐下载付费制paid music download有报道称,包括华纳在内的几大国际唱片公司,将在今年底或明年初联合国内酷狗、酷我、百度音乐等音乐服务网站尝试采取音乐下载收费包月制度。 The Warner...
学会沉默-某人对你吐露秘密时 When some is divulging secrets某人对你吐露秘密时 If you find yourself in a rare moment when someone in power or with useful information has decided to pour it out for you, please just listen. 如果你发...
学会沉默-被祝贺时 When congratulated被祝贺时 A smooth and confident thank you is the best response to a congratulations. 对于祝贺最好的回答莫过于一句谢谢。 It's true. Just saying thank you is enough. 的确是这样,说谢...
学会沉默-排队等候时 In line at an event排队等候时 This one is specific, but I've noticed that those entrance. 这条比较特别,但我发现那些静静等候俱乐部或音乐会入场的人往往比那些吵吵闹闹的人们进去的...
学会沉默-谈到钱的问题 When talking about money谈到钱的问题 Don't mention your salary when others are bragging and don't whine about being owed money. 在别人吹牛时,别也跟着提及自己的薪水问题,更不要对借出去的...
学会沉默-矛盾激化时When under fire矛盾激化时 Getting in trouble is a part of life and sometimes the person in power just needs to run through everything they're upset about. 人生总是难免遇到麻烦。有权利的人往往需要对所...
学会沉默-你是专家时 When you're the expert你是专家时 Experts are reserved. They wisely interject their knowledge into a discussion. 真人不露相。他们总是巧妙的把自己的知识插入讨论之中。 So when yourfriend or col...
学会沉默-笑话的尾声 t the near-end of a joke笑话的尾声 No one likes the guy who kills a joke. 没有人喜欢破坏笑话的人。 Instead of asking, wait what was that? just play along with jokes and funny stories, even those you don't...
学会沉默-在别人发表明显错误的言论后After an obviously erroneous statement在别人发表明显错误的言论后 We all get called out from time to time at the office and in social settings. 我们时不时会被叫去办公室(类似...
学会沉默-被问到感情生活时 When asked about your love life被问到感情生活时 How was last night? Did it go well wink wink? 昨晚怎么样?约会进展如何? We've all heard these prying questions from roommates and friends and...