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  • 与同事相处愉快-换位思考(2)

    Get on well with colleague 与同事相处愉快 Empathize 换位思考 Every time you open your mouth, try to put yourself in your partner's shoes. 每次你开口时,都尽量站在伙伴的立场考虑。 How would it feel to hear the words you'...

  • 集中注意力的秘诀-保持活跃(5)

    集中注意力的秘诀 Just Be Active 保持活跃 There are also studies that show any amount of physical activity can improve concentration. Simply walking for twenty minutes before reading a book may boost your ability to pay attention longer. T...

  • 集中注意力的秘诀-减少“屏幕时间”(4)

    集中注意力的秘诀 Reduce Screen Time 减少屏幕时间 Scientists are just beginning to study the relationship between attention spans and screen times, but one thing is certain: many researchers and education specialists advise parents to li...

  • 集中注意力的秘诀-睡眠充足(3)

    集中注意力的秘诀 Sleep More 睡眠充足 Studies show that people who sleep fewer than eight hours a night for a prolonged period of time have slower response systems andmore difficulty recalling information. In fact, even minor restrictions...

  • 集中注意力的秘诀-冥想(2)

    集中注意力的秘诀 Meditate 冥想 If you think about it, meditation might seem like the opposite of paying attention. 细细一想,冥想似乎与集中注意力背道而驰。 One objective of meditation is to clear the mind,but another ele...

  • 集中注意力的秘诀-制定计划(1)

    集中注意力的秘诀 Make a List 制定计划 We often have trouble paying attention to one thing because our brain wants to drift off to think about something else. 我们常常很难专注于一件事,因为我们的大脑会神游到另一件事...

  • 单身的好处-可以来场说走就走的旅行(9)

    Surprising Benefits of Being Single 单身的好处 You can travel on a whim. 你可以来场说走就走的旅行 How do you think a romantic partner would react ifyou woke up and decided to move overseas, go backpacking through mountains in Iceland...

  • 单身的好处-你可以毫无顾虑的打情骂俏(8)

    Surprising Benefits of Being Single 单身的好处 You can flirt without fear. 你可以毫无顾虑的打情骂俏 Let's face it: everyone flirts sometimes, whether they are single or not. 现实就是这样:谁都有想打情骂俏的时候,跟单...

  • 单身的好处-专注提升自我(7)

    专注提升自我 It is awfully tempting to get complacent when you have a partner. 一旦有了伴侣,就容易不思进取。 A survey by UK researchers found that 62% of respondents gained 14 pounds or more after beginning a relationship. 英国研...

  • 单身的好处-节约了大把的时间(6)

    Surprising Benefits of Being Single 单身的好处 You can save tons of time. 节约了大把的时间 Its fun to send flirty texts back and forth, but can you imagine how much time the typical couple spends on their phones? 你来我往地发短信...

  • 单身的好处-在安静舒适的环境中入眠(5)

    Surprising Benefits of Being Single 单身的好处 You can sleep in peace and quiet. 在安静舒适的环境中入眠 Confession::I really, really, REALLY miss cuddling. 好吧,我坦白:我真的、真的、真的好怀念爱的抱抱。 I've...

  • 单身的好处-变得更加独立(4)

    Surprising Benefits of Being Single 单身的好处 You can become more self-reliant. 变得更加独立 Have you ever been through a breakup so emotionally devastating that you couldnt function for weeks, or months, afterward? 你有没有经历过痛...

  • 单身的好处-可以和朋友保持密切的联系(3)

    Surprising Benefits of Being Single 单身的好处 You can stay in touch with friends. 可以和朋友保持密切的联系 Don't you worry; we'll stay in touch!Those words should sound familiar if you have friends who have gotten married and/or h...

  • 单身的好处-不必跟错的人委曲求全(2)

    单身的好处 Surprising Benefits of Being Single You can avoid settling for a bad match. 不必跟错的人委曲求全 Almost 50% of marriages in America are destined for failure. You have to wonder how many of those still married stay together d...

  • 单身美好-想干嘛,就干嘛(1)

    Surprising Benefits of Being Single 单身的好处 You can do whatever the hell you want to. 想干嘛,就干嘛! Just like a flower will wither if you don't water it, a relationship will suffer without proper care and attention. Do you have a f...
