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  • 快乐工作-和你的过去和解以免影响到你的未来(4)

    快乐工作 周七天,五天在工作;一天24个小时,除去睡觉时间,8个小时需要工作。要想幸福,先工作的快乐,看完以下几点,你将知道你为什么工作不快乐;做到以下几点,你将知道快乐工作...

  • 快乐工作-别花力气讨厌这个,讨厌那个:不值得(5)

    快乐工作 周七天,五天在工作;一天24个小时,除去睡觉时间,8个小时需要工作。要想幸福,先工作的快乐,看完以下几点,你将知道你为什么工作不快乐;做到以下几点,你将知道快乐工作...

  • 快乐工作-别太把自己当回事;因为根本没人把你当回事(6)

    快乐工作 周七天,五天在工作;一天24个小时,除去睡觉时间,8个小时需要工作。要想幸福,先工作的快乐,看完以下几点,你将知道你为什么工作不快乐;做到以下几点,你将知道快乐工作...

  • 快乐工作-知道并且保持你自己的界限(7)

    快乐工作 周七天,五天在工作;一天24个小时,除去睡觉时间,8个小时需要工作。要想幸福,先工作的快乐,看完以下几点,你将知道你为什么工作不快乐;做到以下几点,你将知道快乐工作...

  • 快乐工作-不要纠结在那些你无法掌握的事情上(8)

    快乐工作 周七天,五天在工作;一天24个小时,除去睡觉时间,8个小时需要工作。要想幸福,先工作的快乐。 Don't compare yourself to others. 不要把自己和别人比较。 Everybody, and I mean everybody,star...

  • 接受批评-接受自己的不完美(1)

    how to accept criticism and do your jobs well 如何接受工作上的批评以及更好地完成自己的任务 Accept that you are not perfect. If you begin each task thinking that nothing will go wrong, you're fooling yourself. You will make mista...

  • 接受批评-别认为这是针对你个人的(2)

    how to accept criticism and do your jobs well 如何接受工作上的批评以及更好地完成自己的任务 Don't take it personally. If your co-worker has criticism for you, remind yourself that it doesn't necessarily mean she/he doesn't like y...

  • 接受批评-同意一部分批评(3)

    how to accept criticism and do your jobs well 如何接受工作上的批评以及更好地完成自己的任务 Ask yourself what can you learn from this criticism. If you feel yourself growing defensive or getting angry, repeat the question 'What c...

  • 接受批评-别怀恨在心(4)

    how to accept criticism and do your jobs well 如何接受工作上的批评以及更好地完成自己的任务 Analyze and evaluate what you've heard. You need time to process the information, determine if it's a valid criticism and decide what you...

  • 接受批评-请记住,事出必有因(5)

    how to accept criticism and do your jobs well 如何接受工作上的批评以及更好地完成自己的任务 Remember, anything that happens is for a reason. If a certain co-worker isn't being very warm to you, or your boss just named a suck-up t...

  • 接受批评-接受他人看到一些你看不到的事实(6)

    how to accept criticism and do your jobs well Accept the fact that others may see something that you don't. Even if you don't agree with the criticism, others may be seeing something that you are not even aware of. If they say that you are negative o...

  • 接受批评-额外提示(7)

    how to accept criticism and do your jobs well 如何接受工作上的批评以及更好地完成自己的任务 Tips Whatever you do make sure that it is the best from your side. People who have difficulty accepting criticism are less likely to succ...

  • 接受批评-特别提醒(8)

    how to accept criticismand do your jobs well 如何接受工作上的批评以及更好地完成自己的任务 Warnings 特别提醒 If you feel you're being picked on unfairly, keep a diary of encounters and copies of any critical e-mails or letter...

  • 追求更好生活-开始写感恩日志(1)

    Seek out happiness in your every day lives 追求更好生活 Start a gratitude journal. 开始写感恩日志 Write down five positive things that happen to you each day, and five things you are looking forward to in the future. I know that if you a...

  • 追求更好生活-把给人带来微笑当做每天的一个任务(2)

    Seek out happiness in your every day lives 追求更好生活 Get a good night's rest. This is truly imperative to your well being, not just physically, but mentally, as well. You should be getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night, if not more. If y...
