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  • 成功路上的绊脚石-怀疑(4)

    Pitfalls that lie athwart every pathway to success 成功路上的绊脚石。 Doubt 怀疑 Once you've made a decision, doubt is a worm that eats away at your ability to succeed. Life and work can be hard and even cruel. Remember, the race is not fo...

  • 成功路上的绊脚石-孤立(3)

    Pitfalls that lie athwart every pathway to success 成功路上的绊脚石。 Disconnection 孤立 The old sayings no man is an island and there's strength in numbers may sound corny, but that doesn't make them any less true. Even with self-discipli...

  • 成功路上的绊脚石-不诚实(2)

    Pitfalls that lieathwart every pathway to success 成功路上的绊脚石。 Dishonesty 不诚实 可可电台 As you begin to be successful, you'll be tempted to lie, exaggerate, and deceive in order to move your agenda forward. However, taking the...

  • 成功路上的绊脚石-忘恩负义(1)

    Pitfalls that lie athwart every pathway to success 成功路上的绊脚石。 Ingratitude 忘恩负义 The pitfall is by far the most dangerous, because it's so easy to miss. When your vision becomes a reality, you arestill a failure if you cannot r...

  • 阳光每一天-勿要躲避或忽视阴暗面(4)

    阳光每一天 可可电台 Don't avoid or ignore negativity. 勿要躲避或忽视阴暗面 In order to conquer and overcome, it must be acknowledged. This can include people in your life who may be bringing you down, a hostile workplace environmen...

  • 阳光每一天-之于裂痕,要么修复,要么忘怀(3)

    阳光每一天 Mend what's broken or get rid of it. 之于裂痕,要么修复,要么忘怀。 Determining what is worth your time and effort and what is not can be challenging. If situations are toxic and beyond repair, it's timeto let go. Are t...

  • 阳光每一天-倾情回馈(2)

    阳光每一天 Give back. 倾情回馈。 Giving our time, energy, love, mentorship and sometimes money is what life is about. Everything we put out into the world comes back to us. My mom taught me a quote she learned in Mexico that stuck with me f...

  • 阳光每一天-感觉不错的事都值得敬重(1)

    阳光每一天 Things that make us smile, laugh and feel good arejust awesome. 所有让我们笑逐颜开,感觉不错的事都值得敬重。 This one is pretty simple... Just do MORE of it. Do more of what makes you happy! I truly believe that...

  • 真理-追随内心就是你的人生目标(11)

    改变生活的真理 Following your heart IS your life purpose. 追随内心就是你的人生目标。 Finding your life purpose can often feel like trying to locate the Holy Grail, but the truth is it's not as hard as you think. Simply put, follow...

  • 真理-有想法的行动就是一切(10)

    改变生活的真理 (Inspired)Action is everything. 有想法的行动就是一切。 As logical thinkers and problem solvers, we've been taught that the best way to achieve our desires is to set a goal, create a plan and take massive action. In my...

  • 真理-放手就是答案(9)

    改变生活的真理 Letting go is the answer. 放手就是答案。 Too often we spend our time keeping score of what isn't working, what's not manifesting, and what's just going wrong in our lives and that only keeps us stuck. When you let go of t...

  • 真理-现在就是开始的最佳时机(3)

    改变生活的真理 There is no better time to begin than now. 现在就是开始的最佳时机。 You can make a bunch of excuses about why starting when you have more experience, money, or time is better, but the truth is your time is now. No ma...

  • 真理-生活的魔力就在你的舒适区之外(2)

    改变生活的真理 The magic of life lies just outside your comfort zone. 生活的魔力就在你的舒适区之外 Doing the things that scare and excite you at the same time are exactly the things that will shift your life in incredible ways. B...

  • 生活真理-你的信念创造你的人生(1)

    改变生活的真理 Your beliefs create your life. 你的信念创造你的人生。 What you believe about yourself, the world, and anything else is directly related to how you experience life. If you aren't happy with how things are going for you...

  • 睡眠不足-容易感冒(4)

    You're Ravenous 变得贪吃 If you find yourself hungry all day (and not because you skipped breakfast or have recently amped up your gym routine)it might be because you've been skimping on sleep. Research presented at the 2010 meeting of theSoc...
