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  • 离职前戏-有其他方面能补救现在的工作吗(1)

    what to consider before you leap 离职前戏 Is there any way to redeem the job you have? There are many reasons to hate a job. Maybe you have a terrible boss. Maybe your employer has draconian policies about leave, or supports a culture in which it...

  • 离职前戏-是否能从这份工作吸取经验(2)

    what to consider before you leap 离职前戏 Will you be able to support yourself in the possibly not-so-short term? Most financial experts will tell you that you need to have six months of expenses saved up, in order to protect yourself from financ...

  • 快乐小瞬间(1)

    Joyful moments 快乐小瞬间 When your boss gives you a compliment. Genuine compliments are way more meaningful than superficial praise. If your boss gives you sincere accolades for your work on something, you know they mean it. An upbeat conversat...

  • 快乐小瞬间(2)

    Joyful moments 快乐小瞬间 When the weather is perfect. That skip in your step on a spring day isn't all in your head. Studies suggest weather has an influence on your mood. Taking a warm shower. Ahhh. Not only is it relaxing, it may help regulat...

  • 快乐小瞬间(3)

    Joyful moments 快乐小瞬间 Finding money in your pocket. It's like your own miniature version of winning the lottery. When you finally get some peace and quiet. A little silence is good for your soul. Research suggests it could relieve stress and...

  • 快乐小瞬间(4)

    Joyful moments 快乐小瞬间 The first few moments after a fresh snowfall. Is there anything more serene? Crawling into bed with fresh sheets. There's just something about a well-made bed that instantly puts your mind at ease. When you cut a mango...

  • 快乐小瞬间(5)

    Joyful moments 快乐小瞬间 When you recognize someone wearing your favorite team's jersey or in another country. Hive fives all around. The feeling you get after booking a trip. Start packing. Research shows planning a vacation can boost your hap...

  • 快乐小瞬间(6)

    The look on your pet's face when they see you. Now that's unconditional love. Research shows pet ownership makes you happier. Having a really good date with a loved one. It could be a significant other or just your best friend. Hanging with the speci...

  • 坏习惯-过多的看屏幕时间(1)

    Bad habits. 坏习惯 Excessive Screen Time 过多的看屏幕时间 Too much screen time can hurt your eyes and your brain. And your relationships. If you always take your phone with you to the bathroom, make a conscious effort to leave it in anothe...

  • 坏习惯-说闲话(1)

    Bad habits. 坏习惯 Interrupting 插嘴 Talk to the hand! Why dosome people always interrupt?Yet, even though interrupting is considered rude, we all do it. If you feel the urge to interrupt, ask yourself what would happen if you waited. (Proba...

  • 坏习惯-迟到(3)

    Bad habits. 坏习惯 Gum Snapping 嚼口香糖 Much like nail biting, gum snapping can become an unconscious behavior used to relieve stress or boredom. If you're agum-snapper, think about why you're doing it and find a quieter way to deal with that...

  • 成功路上的绊脚石-胆怯(8)

    Pitfalls that lie athwart every pathway to success 成功路上的绊脚石。 Timidity 胆怯 Every path to success begins with a great idea. There's only one problem: Great ideas are a dime a dozen. What really matters when it comes to becoming a s...

  • 成功路上的绊脚石-懒惰(7)

    Pitfalls that lie athwart every pathway to success 成功路上的绊脚石。 Laziness 懒惰 Even with a great idea and the courage to pursue it, your efforts will be for naught unless you're willing to take massive action. Write down your goals an...

  • 成功路上的绊脚石-自满(6)

    Pitfalls that lie athwart every pathway to success 成功路上的绊脚石。 Complacency 自满 Without passion,even the most compelling vision will wither on the vine. Without passion, your energy and enthusiasm will flag when you encounter inevit...

  • 成功路上的绊脚石-分心(5)

    Pitfalls that lie athwart every pathway to success 成功路上的绊脚石。 Distraction 分心 The modern world clamors for your attention in ever-louder ways, a deluge that can distract you from your course. It takes self-discipline to persevere...
