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  • 为什么你朋友很少-不关心朋友,计较友情的公平(5)

    Why don't you have lots of friends? 为什么你朋友很少? You Don't Care About Your Friends If you don't care what's happening in your friends' lives, your friends might not keep you around. It's important to show interestin how your friends ar...

  • 为什么你朋友很少-你爱嫉妒(4)

    Why don't you have lots of friends? 为什么你朋友很少? You Get Jealous 你爱嫉妒 If you feel jealous when your friend buys a new car,gets a promotion at work, or enters into a new relationship, it's likely going to lead to problems. It's...

  • 为什么你朋友很少-从朋友身上期许太多,太八卦(3)

    Why don't you have lots of friends? 为什么你朋友很少? 可可电台 You Expect Too Much From Friends 你从朋友身上期许太多 If you expect your friends to always be available or always meet your needs, you'll be disappointed. Your fri...

  • 为什么你朋友很少-你太霸道(2)

    Why don't you have lots of friends? 为什么你朋友很少? You Bully Your Friends 你太霸道 Bullying doesn't end in high school for many people. If you're guilty of bossing your friends around or making demands, it's likely that people won't...

  • 为什么你朋友很少-你很宅(1)

    Why don't you have lots of friends? 为什么你朋友很少? You Don't Get Out Enough 你很宅 Of course, there is also a good chance that not having friends isn't related to a specific character flaw. Instead, it might just be because you haven'...

  • 你不能结交的朋友-吹毛求疵的人(9)

    You Can't Make Friends with this man 你不能结交的朋友 The Faultfinder 吹毛求疵的人 You know these people: They're always critical ofeverything you do and say,which can be contagious. If this friend has redeeming traits, ignore theoverly...

  • 你不能结交的朋友-一味模仿者(8)

    You Can't Make Friends with this man 你不能结交的朋友 The Copy Cat 一味模仿者 Imitation is the highest form of flattery, but it could create hostility between you and your friend. If you want to keep her around, protect yourself by keepi...

  • 你不能结交的朋友-不守信用者(7)

    You Can't Make Friends with this man 你不能结交的朋友 The Promise Breaker 不守信用者 You're tired of constantly being disappointed bythis friend, so if you want to keep this person around, lower your expectations. Also, call your friend...

  • 你不能结交的朋友-好冒险的人(6)

    You Can't Make Friends with this man 你不能结交的朋友 The Risk Taker 好冒险的人 From shoplifting and experimenting with drugs to driving recklessly, your dare devil friend's behavior should raise serious redflags.You need to protect your...

  • 你不能结交的朋友-竞争者(5)

    You Can't Make Friends with this man 你不能结交的朋友 The Competitor 竞争者 Some competition can be healthy一if your friend's goals or achievements serve as motivation for you一but if the Competitor wants what you have, acts in a hostile...

  • 你不能结交的朋友-寄生者(4)

    You Can't Make Friends with this man 你不能结交的朋友 The Bloodsucker 寄生者 This friend is overly dependent on you for emotional support or information. True, it can be flattering to be needed, and of course, the Bloodsucker may be there...

  • 你不能结交的朋友-出卖朋友者(3)

    You Can't Make Friends with this man 你不能结交的朋友 The Double-Grosser 出卖朋友者 From spreading lies about you to going after your romantic partner, the Double Grosser's actions are the exact opposite of a friend's. If the double cros...

  • 你不能结交的朋友-控制狂(2)

    You Can't Make Friends with this man 你不能结交的朋友 The Controller 控制狂 Being a Controller is part of this person's personality, which means it's a harder trait to break. But it can be frustrating for you to be dominated so much.Maybe...

  • 不能结交的朋友-扫兴者(1)

    You Can't Make Friends with this man 你不能结交的朋友 The Downer 扫兴者 The Downer is a person you have to let into your life with care because this trait can be contagious,Yager says. It goes without saying, of course, that these typesare...

  • 做最特别的自己(2)

    做最特别的自己 6、Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. 7、Life is a pure flame, and welive by an invisible sun within us. 8、It's not easy to change friendship into love. But i...
