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  • 快乐法宝-不要对别人抱有期待(11)

    How to be happy 快乐的法宝 Leave expectations at the door. 不要对别人抱有期待。 People grow, change and make mistakes. Some people will help you while others will attempt to bring you down. Don't expect too much from anyone either way....

  • 快乐法宝-给予就是获得(10)

    How to be happy 快乐的法宝 Give what you'd like to receive. 给予就是获得。 If you're seeking compassion, show it to others. What goes around, always comes back around....

  • 快乐法宝-替别人感到高兴(9)

    How to be happy 快乐的法宝 Be happy for others. 替别人感到高兴。 Being jealous or fake happy is draining. Genuinely be happy for other's success because you'll want them to be happy for you when you share your good news....

  • 快乐法宝-不要为没有实践自己的梦想而找借口(8)

    How to be happy 快乐的法宝 Stop making excuses for not living out your dream. 不要为没有实践自己的梦想而找借口。 If others can do it, so can you. A few years from now, you'll be upset with yourself for all the time you wasted an...

  • 快乐法宝-留点时间帮助有困难的人(7)

    How to be happy 快乐的法宝 Find the time to help someone in need. 留点时间帮助有困难的人。 Lend a listening ear or a firm shoulder to lean on. You never know when the person doing the needing will end up being you....

  • 快乐法宝-要知道过去无法改变(6)

    How to be happy 快乐的法宝 Realize the past can't be changed. 要知道过去无法改变。 Like ever. Stop reliving what could have been or obsessing over how the situation may have played out differently if you would have gotten one more word...

  • 快乐法宝-评估你的朋友圈(5)

    How to be happy 快乐的法宝 Assess your circle of friends. 评估你的朋友圈。 Are you constantly giving and listening to other's drama and not receiving anything in return? Do the people you lean on really support and upliftyou? Do you genu...

  • 快乐法宝-多冒点险(4)

    How to be happy 快乐的法宝 Take more risks. 多冒点险。 Seriously. Get out there and get messy. Make mistakes and fail a few times. Fail again after that. Let the challenges help build your character because the success that follows will be...

  • 快乐法宝-更真诚开放的对待自己(3)

    How to be happy 快乐的法宝 Be more honest and open with yourself. 更真诚开放的对待自己。 What do you really want to do with your life? Is the current path you're on something you're passionate about or are you doing it because society...

  • 快乐法宝-不要浪费时间,也不要为了填补寂寞而随意交友(2)

    How to be happy 快乐的法宝 Say no to time-wasters and space-fillers。 不要浪费时间,也不要为了填补寂寞而随意交友。 Your days are valuable and should only involve valuable things and people. You can't be everywhere at once...

  • 快乐法宝-放慢脚步,享受短暂时光(1)

    How to be happy 快乐的法宝 Slow down and enjoy the little moments. 放慢脚步,享受短暂时光。 Stop being too busy to taste the flavors in your food, to hear yourself think, to watch the sunset or to listen to the words of your favorite...

  • 生活中想要什么-保持积极(7)

    what do you want in life. 生活中想要什么 Stay positive. 保持积极 Life doesn't always go how you want it. Don't feel dismay as your plans stray. Take control. Instead of freaking out, try your best to roll with the changes. You will get the...

  • 生活中想要什么-让身边的人知道你的目标(6)

    what do you want in life. 生活中想要什么 Let people around you know what you're trying to achieve 让身边的人知道你的目标 Don't keep your goals and desires to yourself. Voice it all out! If you tell people what you're trying to accom...

  • 生活中想要什么-发现什么让你真正快乐(5)

    what do you want in life. 生活中想要什么 Determine what makes you truly happy 发现什么让你真正快乐 There's no waste to life if you're happy living it.Your happiness is the root of your desires. So take a few moments and really think...

  • 生活中想要什么-搞清什么最让你心烦(4)

    what do you want in life. 生活中想要什么 Determine what really bothers you 搞清什么最让你心烦 You can soar only by pushing back against something you don't want. Figure out what upsets you, and be specific aboutit. Don't just say that...
