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  • 有效沟通法则-注意身体语言(7)

    How to become an effective communicator. 有效沟通法则 Notice non-verbal cues 注意身体语言 Watch body language. Lack of eye contact,distraction, or fidgeting are often signs of restlessness or impatience. Yawning or sighing are usually sig...

  • 有效沟通法则-学会倾听(6)

    How to become an effective communicator. 有效沟通法则 Listen 学会倾听 Eye contact is crucial. Be polite and don't interrupt. No one likes being interrupted and though it's natural to want to rush in to make your point, it's very disrespectf...

  • 有效沟通法则-关注结果(5)

    How to become an effective communicator. 有效沟通法则 Focus on the result 关注结果 It's important to figure out what result you are after before you start the conversation. Knowing your objective helps you to direct the conversation and to...

  • 有效沟通法则-注意语调(4)

    How to become an effective communicator. 有效沟通法则 Watch tone 注意语调 While it's sometimes necessary to be assertive inorder to make your point, don't be aggressive. There is a fine line between the two. Try not to cross it. An adversar...

  • 有效沟通法则-保持积极的心态(3)

    How to become an effective communicator. 有效沟通法则 Stay positive 保持积极的心态 Maintaining a positive attitude is crucial to productive communications. Be constructive rather than negative or complaining. People shut down, effectivel...

  • 有效沟通法则-建立联系(2)

    How to become an effective communicator. 有效沟通法则 Connect 建立联系 Connect on a personal level if possible. Look for places where interests overlap if any exist. Even in a professional situation, there may be some personal interests in...

  • 有效沟通法则-表示感谢(1)

    How to become an effective communicator. 有效沟通法则 Show Appreciation 表示感谢 Prior to getting into the meat of your conversation,be sure to express your thanks for the other individual's time. Time is an extremely precious resource, and...

  • 残酷事实-有时候好人也会遇到坏事(10)

    The harsh truths that will help you grow. 帮助你成长的残酷事实。 Sometimes bad things happen to good people 有时候好人也会遇到坏事 Suffering is part of life. But here's the coolthing:it makes us stronger. There's a randomness...

  • 残酷事实-你是自己通向伟大的唯一阻碍(9)

    The harsh truths that will help you grow. 帮助你成长的残酷事实。 You are the only thing holding yourself back fromg reatness. 你是自己通向伟大的唯一阻碍 Often we get so caught up hoping for the next greatthing that we don't re...

  • 残酷事实-死亡是人生的一部分(8)

    The harsh truths that will help you grow. 帮助你成长的残酷事实。 Death is a part of life. 死亡是人生的一部分 Nothing can prepare us for the earth-shattering pain of losing a loved one. The harsh truth of life is that it's a viscou...

  • 残酷事实-没有眼下在乎的某些人,生活也许更美好(7)

    The harsh truths that will help you grow. 帮助你成长的残酷事实。 You may be better off without some of the people youcurrently care about. 没有了你眼下在乎的某些人,你的生活也许更美好 This one is tough to hear, I know...

  • 残酷事实-不入虎穴焉得虎子(6)

    The harsh truths that will help you grow. 帮助你成长的残酷事实。 You can't accomplish great things without taking great risks. 不入虎穴焉得虎子 Here's another harsh truth many people have trouble grasping: if you don't take risks y...

  • 残酷事实-你无法永远掌控每件事(5)

    The harsh truths that will help you grow. 帮助你成长的残酷事实。 You can't always be in control of everything. 你无法永远掌控每件事 Listen, letting go is hard, especially if you're ago-getter. But if you want to continue to grow,...

  • 残酷事实-人生路上不是每个人都会支持你(4)

    The harsh truths that will help you grow. 帮助你成长的残酷事实。 Not everyone will support you along the way. 人生路上不是每个人都会支持你 In life, there's no shortage of doubters, haters,and pessimists. Overcoming this harsh...

  • 残酷事实-好事情不会来得很快(3)

    The harsh truths that will help you grow. 帮助你成长的残酷事实。 Good things usually don't come quickly. 好事情不会来得很快 Great accomplishments in our lives normally don't come easy. And if you think about it, would you have it...
