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  • 内心强大的人-他们不相信生活毫无意义(2)

    Someone who has a strong will 内心强大的人 They don't believe life is meaningless. 他们不相信生活毫无意义 If mentally strong people couldn't believe that there is a purpose to the world. They would never have become mentally strong....

  • 内心强大的人-不相信失败是不可避免的(1)

    Someone who has a strong will内心强大的人 They don't believe that failure is inevitable. 不相信失败是不可避免的 Even the most disastrous circumstances can turn around, if you have the right attitude. Mentally strong people don't beli...

  • 在家高效工作-争取专用工作室(7)

    Work from home, stay sane and be highly productive 在家工作,保持工作疯狂和高效的方法。 Carve Out a Dedicated Workspace 争取专用工作室 Carve out a dedicated workspace, however small,so you have somewhere to keep your supplies...

  • 在家高效工作-同你爱的人交流(6)

    Work from home, stay sane and be highly productive 在家工作,保持工作疯狂和高效的方法。 Communicate with Your Loved Ones 同你爱的人交流 Depending on your situation, you may have kids at home, a partner who works from home or...

  • 在家高效工作-得到支持(5)

    Work from home, stay sane and be highly productive: 在家工作,保持工作疯狂和高效的方法。 Get Support 得到支持 Working at home does not mean you need to be alone. If you are a remote employee,carve out time inyour schedule to cat...

  • 在家高效工作-走进户外(4)

    Work from home, stay sane and be highly productive: 在家工作,保持工作疯狂和高效的方法。 Go Outside 走进户外 A change of scenery, however short, can make amajor difference in your perspective and productivity. Scheduling time to...

  • 在家高效工作-走出室内(3)

    Have you ever gone days without leaving the house? 你曾有几天都没有离开过你住的地方吗? The reality is that over time you can becomeless apt to want to leave the house, especially during times where you are engaged on big projects o...

  • 在家高效工作-去掉障碍物(2)

    Work from home, stay sane and be highlyproductive: 在家工作,保持工作疯狂和高效的方法。 Unplug Entirely 去掉障碍物 With easy access to email and other apps allday and night long, boundaries can easily be blurred. Make a point o...

  • 在家高效工作-安排好休息时间和停工时间(1)

    Work from home, stay sane and be highly productive 在家工作,保持工作疯狂和高效的方法。 Schedule Breaks and Downtime During the Day 安排好休息时间和停工时间 When you work in an office there's lunchtime,breaks and going t...

  • 面试前会犯的错误-不要向面试官问你个人问题(7)

    The mistakes you might make before your job interview ever happens 在面试前可能会犯的错误 Not coming up with your own questions for your interviewer. 不要向面试官问你个人问题。 At some point, your interviewer is going to ask y...

  • 面试前会犯的错误-不为谈薪水做好准备(6)

    The mistakes you might make before your job interview ever happens 在面试前可能会犯的错误 Not preparing to talk about salary. 不为谈薪水做好准备。 It's tough when an interviewer asks you what salary you're looking for without rev...

  • 面试前会犯的错误-不解那些让你最担心的话题(5)

    The mistakes you might make before your job interview ever happens 在面试前可能会犯的错误 Not figuring out how you'll talk about the topics that most worry you. 不解决如何同面试官谈论那些让你最担心的话题。 If you're l...

  • 面试前会犯的错误-不练习回答普遍的面试问题(4)

    The mistakes you might make before your job interview ever happens 在面试前可能会犯的错误 Not practicing your answer to common interviewquestions. 不练习回答普遍的面试问题。 Interviewers tend to have some overlap in the questi...

  • 面试前会犯的错误-不检查与公司是否有一些共同联系(3)

    The mistakes you might make before your job interview ever happens 在面试前可能会犯的错误 Not checking to see if you have any connectionsin common. 不检查与公司是否有一些共同联系。 LinkedIn is also great at letting you see...

  • 面试前会犯的错误-不看面试官的资料(2)

    The mistakes you might make before your job interview ever happens 在面试前可能会犯的错误 Not looking up your interviewers on LinkedIn. If you spend a few minutes reading your interviewer's LinkedIn profile, you might find out that you bot...
