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  • 面试前会犯的错误-不搜集公司信息(1)

    Interviewers pay attention to who appears to have done their research and who doesn't. If you go into your interview not knowing basic facts about the company, it will show. So before your interview, spend some time browsing the employer's website. S...

  • 增强自信-要有自信的信心(8)

    Increase the level of confidence 增强自信 Think confidently. 要有自信的信心 Placing your focus on the worst possible outcome can cause you unnecessary anxiety, and stop you taking action. Use your energy to acknowledge that there arean end...

  • 增强自信-留心自己的身体语言(7)

    Increase the level of confidence 增强自信 Be mindful of your body language. 留心自己的身体语言。 This takes a level of self-awareness and presence. As I took dance classes throughout my childhood, I frequently heard the teacher announce...

  • 增强自信-去做让你自己有自信的事情

    Increase the level of confidence 增强自信 Find what makes you feel confident --physically. 去做让你自己有自信的事情从身心上都会有自信的感觉。 I recently worked with a woman who said that she literally gets a physical feel...

  • 增强自信-提醒自己要敬重自己(5)

    Increase the level of confidence 增强自信 Keep reminders of your awesomeness. 提醒自己要敬重自己。 Jack Canfield says, Self-acknowledgment and appreciation are what give you the insights and awareness to move forward toward higher goals...

  • 增强自信-不要追求完美主义(4)

    Increase the level of confidence 增强自信 Let go of the idea of perfectionism. 不要追求完美主义。 Striving to be perfect can cause self-doubt (aswell as stuckness). Give yourself permission to make mistakes. Not allowing yourself to make...

  • 增强自信-承认你的恐惧心理(3)

    Increase the level of confidence 增强自信 Acknowledge your fears. 承认你的恐惧心理。 Fear is normal. The key is to not let it debilitate you. Recognizing your fears will not make them come true. It's best to acknowledge and address the f...

  • 增强自信-做自己—无需有歉意(2)

    Increase the level of confidence 增强自信 Be yourself -- unapologetically. 做自己无需有歉意。 Remember, you can't control others or what they think. Wayne Dyer believes that if you ask 30 people their opinions of you, you are likely to f...

  • 增强自信-走出你的舒适区(1)

    Increase the level of confidence 增强自信 Get out of your comfort zone. 走出你的舒适区。 When you do the things that you think you can't, your comfort zone will continue to expand. Even doing something seemingly small every day will lead...

  • 快乐工作-对那些做不值得称道的事的人说谢谢(6)

    workplace happiness 快乐工作 Say thanks to those who do thankless tasks. 对那些做不值得称道的事的人说谢谢。 You probably already know that you should thank co-workers and customers on a regular basis. But what about the janitors,...

  • 快乐工作-享受人性(5)

    workplace happiness 快乐工作 Enjoy human nature. 享受人性。 Let's face it: People do really strange things. You havea choice when confronted with these foibles: Be irritated; or 2) Be amused. Being irritated makes you miserable but being amu...

  • 快乐工作-每当学成什么就庆祝一下(4)

    workplace happiness 快乐工作 Celebrate when you learn something. 每当学成什么就庆祝一下。 If you're alive, you can't help learning something new every day. The trick here is to recognize when you've learned something new and potential...

  • 快乐工作-给自己更多的肯定(3)

    workplace happiness 快乐工作 Give yourself more credit. 给自己更多的肯定。 Take a second to give yourself a mental and emotional pat on the back every time you complete a project, even if it's onlya small part of a larger effort. This cr...

  • 快乐工作-多笑(2)

    workplace happiness 快乐工作 Smile more frequently. 多笑。 Smiling accomplishes two things. First, it tells your brain to be more happy.(Try being depressed with a huge grin stuck on your face.) Second, when you smile it tends to make other pe...

  • 快乐工作-每天早上享受安静的一分钟(1)

    workplace happiness 快乐工作 Take a quiet minute each morning. 每天早上享受安静的一分钟。 Within your morning routine, carve out a minute--60 seconds--to be silent, by yourself. Don't think about work. Read a poem or say a prayer. Or...
