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 根据大仲马小说《基督山伯爵》改编,该剧描述一个名叫Emily Thorne的神秘女人来到富人云集的汉普顿,租下一栋靠海的房子,对外宣称自己是来度夏的。她很快赢得了邻居的信任。但他们都不知道,这个女人所做的每一件事都有目的--她要让多年前使其家破人亡的Grayson家族血债血偿。

  • 《复仇》 第209期:虚伪的幸福之家 Hey, skipper. 船长 What you got? 手里拿的是什么 You're an A.V. Geek, right? 你对视频音频很在行 是吗 You know what that is? 你知道这是什么吗 Dinosaur format. 真是古董格式 What do I need to watch it? 我要用什么东西
  • 《复仇》 第210期:晒太阳 You know what? This is Nolan. 诺兰打电话来了 I've been putting him off all day. I've gotta get it. 我今天一直没接他电话 这个得接 All right. I'm gonna get changed. Okay. 好的 我去换衣服 行 Okay. 好的 Ashley, I'll be back
  • 《复仇》 第211期:父亲勉强笑着拍照 Mrs. G. Thanks for joining us. 格雷森夫人 谢谢你能加入我们 Thank you for having me, Declan. 德克兰 谢谢你邀请我 It's like the beginning of a joke. 这真像是笑话的开场 Two Graysons walk into a bar... 两位格雷森家的人
  • 《复仇》 第212期:机会主义者 It's Victoria's pet bird. 原来是维多利亚的百灵鸟啊 She wanted to me to pick up 她让我来问你 your list of invites for Fireamp;Ice. 冰与火 订婚宴你邀请的宾客名单 Oh, well, unfortunately, it's incomplete. 很可惜 名单还
  • 《复仇》 第213期:我是杀人犯 Did you bring the tape? 录像带带来了吗 Hi to you, too. 你好啊 Amanda. Did you watch it? 阿曼达 你看了吗 Do I need to? 我需要看吗 Don't I already know everything I need to know? 我该知道的一切还不够清楚吗 Some guy's
  • 《复仇》 第214期:一切都是为了自己 You need to go after him. No! 你得去追他 不 I don't care what's on that tape, 我才不关心那带子上是什么 I'm not doing that to him again. 我不会再骗他了 We're doing it for him-- 我们这样做是为他好 So you keep saying. 你
  • 《复仇》 第215期:狠心的姐姐 What's on the revengenda this evening, hmm? 今晚你的复仇计划是什么 Dinner with Daniel's grandfather. 和丹尼尔的祖父共进晚餐 I hear there's nothing 我听说 Grandpa Grayson likes less than a scandal. 格雷森爷爷最不喜欢的
  • 《复仇》 第216期:眼中只有彼此 Hey, babe. 宝贝 How were your secret errands? 你的秘密行动进展如何 All taken care of. 搞定了 Come on. I want you to meet my grandfather. Okay. 过来 我想介绍我爷爷给你认识 好 Well, actually, me and my brother own a bar in
  • 《复仇》 第217期:公子哥有钱也很烦 Hey, studybug. Settle an argument for us. 书呆子 你来评评理 Do you know who this man is? 你知道他是谁吗 Nope. 不知道 He is poised to be one of the richest men in America. 他即将成为全美最富有的阶层 But he wants to throw
  • 《复仇》 第218期:爱过太多女人 How about a dance? 跳支舞如何 I'd love that. 乐意之至 You okay with this, Charlotte? 夏洛特 一个人去行吗 Just give me a second, Declan. 等我一会 德克兰 I love you. 我爱你 Level with me, Vicky. 和我说实话 维姬 You th
  • 《复仇》 第218期:世界上最可爱的笑声 Charlotte... 夏洛特 I owe you an apology. 我该向你道歉 Whatever's happening with this family is not your fault. 这个家无论发生什么都不是你的错 I shouldn't have taken my frustrations with your mother 我不该把对你妈妈的失
  • 《复仇》 第219期:为情所困的杰克 Emily. 艾米莉 Dinner's almost ready. 晚餐已经准备好了 Why don't you come join the others on the patio? 你怎么不和其他人一起去庭院 This is just a dvd from another wedding planner. 这只是另一张婚礼策划光盘 I wouldn't
  • 《复仇》 第220期:无台阶可下的维多利亚 And the rain was pouring down on us, 大雨瓢泼 but I just kept going. 却浇不熄我的热情 and, uh, and somehow, 后来 she found it in her heart to say yes. 她终于考虑清楚 答应我了 That's great. 很浪漫 And Daniel tells me you're
  • 《复仇》 第221期:艾米莉对亲姐妹的狠心 Mom, what is he talking about? 妈 他说什么呢 I know. I know you were in love with Amanda's father. 我都知道了 你和阿曼达的父亲好过 But I guess it was more important 但你将此事掩人耳目 to hide that from the world than to
  • 《复仇》 第222期:身为人父的罪恶 So much for the possibility of a friendly divorce. 我看和平离婚也没什么可能了 Well, she'll settle quietly. I'm making sure of that. 她会和我私下解决的 你放心吧 Do I have to remind you what happened to this company 还需要我