福克斯新闻 埃里克·斯沃韦尔助力形成弹劾特朗普浪潮(1)
They have information. I think I'd take it. If I thought there was something wrong, I'd go maybe to the FBI, if I thought there was something wrong. That was President Trump unleashing the critics with comments about collecting dirt from foreign adve
福克斯新闻 埃里克·斯沃韦尔助力形成弹劾特朗普浪潮(2)
What do you, what do you take away from the actual content of what the president said in that interview? A couple of things, number one, I don't know what's meant by the word information. Are you talking about something that's publicly available? In
福克斯新闻 帕克兰枪击案幸存者因其歧视性言论被哈佛取消入学资格(1)
At that time, it was really a friend group where who could say the most shocking thing and the most extreme thing for the sake of shock value. I'm extremely sorry for it. And I wish I could have taken it back, but I can't. All I can do right now is s
福克斯新闻 帕克兰枪击案幸存者因其歧视性言论被哈佛取消入学资格(2)
It was his Google doc that emerged and these were comments that he made before that shooting ever took place, he used the n-word multiple times. He included the phrase killing all expletive Jews. The Washington Post has to call him out, basically sor
福克斯新闻 吉米·卡特是最后一个赢得南卡罗来纳州的民主党人(1)
Here now is Trey Gowdy, former South Carolina congressman and House oversight committee chair, now a Fox News contributor. Trey, good to see you tonight. Thank you for being here. Yes, ma'am. So, you know--Thank you.-- as we pointed out, South Caroli
福克斯新闻 吉米·卡特是最后一个赢得南卡罗来纳州的民主党人(2)
The only way for Democrat to win is if the Republican Party is fractured. That's how we lost our state -- last statewide race. Jim Rex won superintendent of education because Republicans were fractured on the other side. They're not fractured behind
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I'm joined now by Senator Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Chairman, good to see you tonight. Thank you for being here. Thank you. So, I want to get first your response to this blame pointing over this tragic photo, and what it te
福克斯新闻 耐克停止发售独立日主题运动鞋(2)
Let's look at this Gallup poll on U.S. pride which was also, which was kind of depressing which shows that the patriotism is on the decline in the United States. What do you attribute that to? I think these things go in waves. Right now, the country
福克斯新闻 里克·佩里:美国正在引领世界减少能源排放(2)
America is leading the world in the reduction of energy-related emissions. I mean, that's a great story. It's one that we ought to be parroting and talking about and being quite proud of. So Thursday, when we had the great tribute to America and Amer
福克斯新闻 奥斯汀警察局长谈流浪人口(1)
Joining me now, as promised, Austin Police Chief Brian Manley. Chief Manley, good to have you with us tonight, thank you very much for being here. Good evening. Thank you. How would you describe how this is going so far? And how are your officers man
福克斯新闻 奥斯汀警察局长谈流浪人口(2)
If that doesn't rise to the level where an officer believes it would meet the threshold of being hazardous or dangerous, we won't have the opportunity to try and gain voluntary compliance to get that person to either change their behavior or move to
福克斯新闻 里克·佩里:美国正在引领世界减少能源排放(1)
President Trump today touting the successes of his administration's efforts to promote a healthy environment arguing interestingly that he says a robust economy and clean energy are not mutually exclusive. Watch this. For years, politicians told Amer
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So, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins began their historic mission launching from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Fox News correspondent Kristin Fisher is live there tonight. She also happens to be the daughter o
福克斯新闻 脸书因侵犯用户隐私被罚款50亿美元(1)
Facebook hit with a record-setting $5 billion fine from the FTC for violating the privacy of its users and mishandling their data, surprise, surprise. The social media giant has since agreed to implement new oversight measures but there are some ques
福克斯新闻 脸书因侵犯用户隐私被罚款50亿美元(2)
Here now, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana, a member of the Senate judiciary committee. Senator, always good to have you here. Thank you for coming in tonight. Thank you, Martha. This is a tweet I want to put a from Elizabeth Warren and you guys see