At that time, it was really a friend group where who could say the most shocking thing and the most extreme thing for the sake of shock value. I'm extremely sorry for it. And I wish I could have taken it back, but I can't. All I can do right now is seek to right this wrong and I know that forgiveness isn't given, it's earned. And I know that, you know, the person who wrote those things is not who I am today. That was the Parkland shooting survivor1 Kyle Kashuv on “The Story” this week apologizing for racist2 comments that he made two years ago when he was 16 years old that caused Harvard to yank his admission. Now former Republican Congressman3 David Jolly is equating4 Kyle's social media post to the school shooter who murdered 17 of his fellow students and teachers. These are the social media postings we see of a shooter and we ask, where were the signs? See something, say something. We see a shooter and then we go back and we look at social media post and this is exactly what we see. Kashuv responded to that on Twitter saying, quote, "I've said repeatedly that I'm horrified5 by comments I sent a few years back. I'll spend years working to make it right. I will accept and learn from the criticism but I will not accept being compared to the shooter who murdered my classmates."
那时,那确实是一个朋友圈,可以在里面说一些令人震惊的、极端的话来制造冲击效果。对此我十分抱歉。我希望我可以将其撤回,但我没法做到。现在我能做的就是改正错误,我知道原谅不是别人给的,而是自己赚的。我知道,写下这些东西的人不是今天的我。本周,帕克兰枪击案幸存者凯尔·克什维在“The Story”节目中对其两年前的种族歧视言论致歉,那时他16岁,此番言论导致哈佛取消其录取资格。如今,前共和党议员戴维·乔利表示,凯尔在社交网站上发表的言论就像是校园枪击案持枪者发的--杀害了他17个同学和老师的持枪者。这些是持枪者在社交媒体上发表的言论,那么我们就要问,哪里表明凯尔发的东西就像持枪者发的东西?看到什么就说什么。我们看到了一个持枪者发表的言论,然后再回过头来看看凯尔发表的东西,它正是我们之前所看到的。针对此番言论,克什维在推特上回复称:“我已经多次表示,我在看到自己几年前发的东西时也被吓坏了。我会用几年时间弥补我的过错。我会接受批评,并从批评中吸取教训,但我不能接受把我和杀害我同学的持枪者相提并论。”
Here now for Wednesday with Watters, Jesse Watters, host of Watters World and co-host of The Five. Jesse? Hi. What do you think? I mean -- Well, Jolly is a joke. I mean, you don't kick a kid like that when he is down. He is an adult and it's irresponsible for him to smear6 him in that way. But at the same time Harvard could do what it wants. There has no obligation to accept this kid, you can rescind7 it for any reason. You have a Harvard man, you know, it's a character school, it's an elite8 school, do you want to associate yourself with someone throwing the n-word around? He's a high-profile young man, obviously a very bright man but I don't think it does Harvard any good to bring someone that has that kind of inflammatory profile into the community. I understand redemption and I forgive him even though I'm in no position to forgive him, but sometimes life is about facing the consequences for what you do. I'm sure he'll be extremely successful later in life.
今天,也就是周三,我们请到了“Watters World”节目主持人、“The Five”节目主持人之一杰西·沃特斯。杰西?你好。你怎么看?我认为,乔利是个笑话。我的意思是,你不能对一个孩子落井下石。作为一个成年人,他这样诽谤孩子是不负责任的。但与此同时,哈佛可以做任何它想做的事。哈佛没有义务接收这个孩子,它能够以任何理由撤回录取通知书。你认识哈佛校友,你知道的,哈佛是一个优秀的名校,你想与说脏话的人联系在一起吗?他是一个备受瞩目的年轻人,显而易见,他很聪明。但我认为接收他--一个曾发表过冒犯性言论的人对哈佛并没有什么好处。我能理解救赎,并且尽管轮不到我来原谅他,我还是会原谅他,但生活有时就是要让你为自己的所作所为买单。我保证他以后会非常成功。

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n.生存者,残存者,幸存者 | |
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n.种族主义者,种族主义分子 | |
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n.(美)国会议员 | |
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v.认为某事物(与另一事物)相等或相仿( equate的现在分词 );相当于;等于;把(一事物) 和(另一事物)等同看待 | |
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a.(表现出)恐惧的 | |
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v.涂抹;诽谤,玷污;n.污点;诽谤,污蔑 | |
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v.废除,取消 | |
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n.精英阶层;实力集团;adj.杰出的,卓越的 | |
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