Dad! I was only looking at the boats. 爸爸 我只是在看看那些船 I wasn't gonna get on them. 我没打算要上去 Come on. There's something I need to show you. 来吧 跟我一起去个地方 I've wanted to bring you here from the moment yo...
Consider the coconut! 你看看这些椰子 Consider it's tree... 这一片树林 We use each part of the coconut. 椰子的每一个部分 That's all we need. 都有价值 We make our nets from the fibers. 椰子壳可以做鱼网 The water is sweet...
Moana, come on... 莫阿娜 来啊 Let's go back to the village. 回村子去 You are the next great chief of our people. 你早晚也会成为一位伟大的酋长 And you do wonderous things, my little Minnow. 你还会做很多伟大的事 我的小...
Thank you mother, that's enough. 好了好了 谢谢你妈妈 Papa... 爸爸 No one goes outside the reef. 放心 谁都不可能离开这的 We are safe here! 这里非常安全 There is no darkness. There are no monsters. 这没有黑暗势力 这没...
Maui tried to escape. 在逃跑的路上 But was confronted by another, who sought the heart. 毛伊遇到了火恶魔恶卡 Te Ka! A demon of Earth and Fire. 恶卡也在谋求特菲提之心 Maui was struck from the sky! 毛伊被从天空击落 Ne...
In the beginning. 混沌初开时 There was only ocean. 世界只是一片汪洋 Until the Mother Island emerged. Te Fiti. 然后海岛之母特菲提来到了人间 Her heart held the greatest power ever known. 特菲提之心有着世间最伟大的法...